Yes. For any thermostat paired to HE. You will need use a cloud dashboard. With virtual switches you can even turn on specific comfort profiles.
Same as above, yes.
I am using the standard Tile template of Thermostat. See image. I can raise lower temp with the arrows, change the mode (heat, cool, auto, off, emergency heat), and also change the fan mode (on/off/auto).
Perfect! Thank you so much for sending me a picture! Didn't think you could do all that with the standard thermostat icon. Really appreciate your time. Got the Gocontrol on Ebay and should be arriving in a few days.
Just noticed on Ebay a thermostat that looks exactly like GoControl. Its made by RSC and model number TBZ48AT where GoControl is TBZ48L. The seller states open box and taking offers below $24.95. Does anyone know if this will work with the Hubitat thermostat driver and if its really a Gocontrol thermostat. Already bought the Gocontrol from seller Alex Sari on Ebay but just interest to know about this RSC brand.
Do you have a link to this specific listing? I did a quick search and it does look like the it is the same. And in fact, the inside of the GO-Control only list TBC48 as the model number.
So, I would suspect that they are manufactured by someone else and then branded one way or the other. That said, it may not use the same firmware as the GoControl so the options might not be the same as the Go-Control.
Why not just go with this one:
It's a genuine go control for the same price.
Update: Found the sticker from the RSC:
So, from a hardware perspective, they have to be identical.
The link you provided was exactly the same one I purchased. My concern though was that it didn't say open box and may have been used by a previous owner, but went with it anyway because have bought previously from this seller who was excellent. Here is the link for the open box RCS model. Fire Sale! RCS TBZ48 Z-Wave Wireless ProgrammableThermostat | eBay
Once again, thanks for your input, its really helped.
The RCS is not zwave plus, it is standard zwave. Avoid at all costs.
Also note that some of the old Linear/GoControl are also non-plus. Avoid those too!
Those are tougher to identify as they are visually identical to the plus models... The only visible difference was on the box - the plus version had the Zwave Plus logo. You'll know if it is plus or not though once you pair it (look for "0x5E" in the inClusters field of the device detail page).
Boy, sure confusing! Thanks for the info
Are you 100% sure about this? There is only one thermostat listed on the Go Control website and it is not z-wave plus. I would also think that the same driver would not work for the z-wave plus and z-wave models and they would need different drivers. I've been searching high and low and I can't find a go-control that lists Z-wave plus.
Not 100% positive, but pretty sure. Under the Linear brand (Linear and GoControl have the same parent company) they apparently made non-plus models. And they look identical visually.
Here is the zwave alliance page for it (note, non-plus indication. Note the command classes listed do not include zwave plus either).
It would use the same driver as the zwave plus mode, as the command classes it supports are the same (minus the missing zwave plus ones, of course). (although one may want some polling in there [?] to ensure temperature stays up to date in the hub)
I don't know if this was linked to earlier in this thread. This is the GoControl that I was considering when I ended purchasing the Honeywell T6 Pro.
I am sure this is a Z-wave plus thermostat.
It looks exactly like the one linked to by @JasonJoel.
Yeah, I own 4 of those. All zwave plus. there a NON-plus version then? My point is, there appears to be only one go control thermostat. There also only appears to be one Go Control thermostat on the Z-wave Alliance website. So, I believe that ALL Go Control Thermostats are Z-wave plus.
As a side note...I am a little surprised by this...
A KONOzw? I didn't know they had a z-wave version. I knew they had the KONOz which is Zigbee. I wonder if this ever actually came out to the public...interesting.
Apparently some of the older Linear branded ones and MAYBE some old GoControl (depending on when it was manufactured impacts which name it was stamped with) were non-plus.
Okay. But all of the New-in-box Go Control that are listed on Amazon do not list Z-wave plus.
I know there is a difference between z-wave and z-wave plus for switches. What is the difference for thermostats? Is there something that the Z-wave plus model does that the z-wave regular model doesn't do? Or the other way around?
Don't know, other than possibly slowing down your zwave mesh to 40kbit (if it were the only non-plus device on the mesh).
I don't have any non-plus devices any more, so am quickly forgetting.
It did. Available through DSC. must be extremely is listed on Lux's website now.
Surprisingly though, you can't buy it on the Lux website. That's a little odd.
I'm traveling, but will be home tonight. Now I am curious as to what I might have...I'll pull them both off the wall to see.
I know it is a GC-TBZ48, maybe a GC-TBZ48L. I do know for sure it is not an RSC, nor is it the GC-TBZ48 variant with the silver ring around the housing. As for whether it is z or z+....