Get list of matching devices

I'm in the process of moving everything over to HE from ST and am having trouble converting a webCoRE piston to Rule Machine. In the piston, I save the subset of devices that turn on to a variable so I can run actions on just the devices that were triggered rather than the full list.

Is this type of subsetting possible in RM to avoid creating a separate rule for every single device?

You can add multiple devices to rules OR you could create a group in Groups and Scenes that creates a Group Dimmer Bulb.

What I'm trying to do is to only adjust the lights that turn on. Adding multiple devices to the rule works just fine and is triggering the rule. However, using a group dimmer as the action device adjusts all the lights in the group as you'd expect. Not just the lights that were turned on by the trigger. I'd like to pass %device% to the action like you can with sending a message.

Ahhhh, good point.

You could use a triggered rule and have 'switch == on' as a condition. That would only affect lights that are already turned on.

I don't want to affect all the lights that are already turned on, I only want to affects the lights that triggered the rule. For example, if my dining room lights are on and I turn on the living room lights, I want to adjust the living room lights but leave the dining room lights alone. This is because I don't want to mess with manually adjusted settings after lights have already been turned on, but want to reset the settings if the lights are power-cycled. If some is in the dining room and dimmed the lights, I don't want to reset the dining room lights back to the rule setting just because someone turned on the living room lights.

I'm not understanding what your piston is doing. Is this a circadian rhythm thing? If you are trying to adjust the lights at each point during the day but only those lights that are at some previous setting you would need a rule for each light at each time-point. There are no device variables in Hubitat Rule Machine.

So, that basic set up would be:
Trigger: Time of day
Condition: Light A is .....
Rule: NOT Light A is .....
True: New settings you want.
False: Blank

You would have to repeat that for lights B, C, D, E...etc.

Yeah, this is a circadian rhythm thing but I only adjust the lights when they come on and at two times during the day. I was afraid that the only solution would be to create a bunch of rules for each light. I'll have to write my own so to handle this then. Thanks for confirming what I thought to be true but wasn't experienced enough with the platform to know for sure.

I know this is old but I'm going to bring it up again after so many years and still not seeing the awesome functionality of performing actions on matching devices in a conditional statement. Such a waste of resources and time creating multiple rules and such to 'kinda' achieve the same functionality. I really miss this ability when I transitioned to HE from ST yrs ago.

How did you do this on ST? webCoRE is built in to Hubitat now if that is what you were looking for...

New poster created duplicate at: Where is the AWESOME Conditional Subset of Matching Devices to Perform Actions on!?!