Where is the AWESOME Conditional Subset of Matching Devices to Perform Actions on!?!

I don't understand after many years, HE still has no incorporate such powerful functionality found in WebCore/SmartThings. This functionality alone with greatly reduce the size of my apps and the number of them as well. I am curious as to how others who transitioned like myself has worked around the lack of this powerful conditional subset generating functionality.
IF any of [Group of devices] are On
{store the matching devices in subset}
Then ACTION the {subset}.

You know you can use WebCore on Hubitat right?


Yes. I'm aware of that shortly after transitioning. Of course, like many, transitioning to HE was to have executions locally. That was not the case for ST/WebCORE prior to the transition to HE when I had ST and mainly used WebCORE back then. So does WebCORE now run locally on HE?

  • The webCoRE "piston" (rule) editor, webCoRE Dashboard, requires Internet access in its default configuration, though pistons themselves execute locally in any case (except for features that necessarily require Internet access).

The pistons execute locally on the hub.

The editor uses a cloud service, or I think you can also setup a self-hosted instance on your own server if I am remembering correctly.


My understanding as well.

Isn't this the same as your other post? Get list of matching devices - #8 by user5728. Per the community guidelines, please do not create duplicates. Thanks!

As others have mentioned here (and I mentioned there), you can use webCoRE on Hubitat, as well. They are also correct that piston execute locally -- only the editor (and necessary cloud features like notifications or e-mail) requires the cloud, and there is a way to run that locally if you are concerned about that, as well.

Otherwise, Hubitat has a bunch of built-in apps designed for specific purposes -- beyond the general-purpose Rule Machine app -- and you are likely to find one, or perhaps a custom app, whether of your own or others' creation, that does what you want. If you share your specific goal, someone can probably help with that, too. With your general example, Rule Machine can do things like that (if this is the command you want) using the "command only switches that are on" option, for example, but your specific automation may be better suited to another approach.

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Apologies. I've wasn't aware that I accidentally duplicate this issue.
However, as Hubitat continues to improve the platform, I still haven't seen such a feature that allow for matching devices within a condition to be actioned against. If any of light 1, light 2, light 3, light 4, light 5 are ON turn blue. Or optionally assign the ones that are on to a variable to be used within the conditional function.
Thanks @jtp10181 and @danabw for letting me know that I can run WebCore locally on a server. I do not think the juice is worth the squeeze as H E handles everything but the mentioned functionality of WebCore.