Welcome to Hubitat! Geofencing is difficult to troubleshoot because it is so heavily phone and network dependent. To get around this, many HE users (including me) use multiple methods of Presence Detection and then combine them to indicate "Presence".
For example, I use four methods of Presence Detection using my phone:
- The Hubitat app
- The Alexa app
- The Life360 app
- My phone connecting/disconnecting to my home WiFi
Then I use an app called Presence Governor written by @doug , which has rules that determine Presence using input from each of the four presence sensors listed above.
Presence Governor sends its output (present/not present) to a virtual presence sensor whose status determines whether the mode should be Home or Away.
Here's what it looks like in a Dashboard:
To use the Alexa app to determine Presence, you'll need a driver called "Virtual Presence with Switch" written by @ogiewon.
For Life360, I use @bptworld's port of "Life360 with States".
For phone WiFi detection, I use @jwetzel1492's "iPhone WiFi Presence Sensor". Note that despite it's name, this works with Android and iOS devices.
I hope this helps.