I have 2 hubs at completely different locations, 300miles apart. Appears the Geofence settings are tied together. So if I change the geofence circle for one location(hub), the circle for the other location changes also. Same with all the geofence Advanced settings, there tied together. Is it possible we can get the geofence settings tied to the individual selected Hub instead of linked?
FYI, the locations (maps) are showing up independent as they should. And it would be cool if we had the ability to manually move the location pin.
I have the same problem on my phone and my wife's phone. The Geofence is over 400 miles away no matter which hub I have selected in the phone app. Each hub is setup with each hub's location and in the hub settings it shows the correct location for each. I can move the pin to the second hub's location, but then it provides a "inside geofence" for both hubs. It appears that the hubitat app can't have two different geofences even though you have two different hubs unless I'm missing something. Also, my wife and I are android users, so it's not just a iOS thing.
I have raised this issue a few times. It used to work and stopped after an update . Selecting a hub in the app would change the geofence to the selected hub. After an update it stopped. Search on this community "Geofence two locations" or "Geofence 2 hubs" and there will be several hits. The fact that you can select a different hub at a different location would indicate it is designed for multiple hubs at different locations. While I would rather not have to depend on an external app, the Locative app has been working very well with multiple locations. Hope that helps.