January 17, 2024, 10:17pm
Yes, if they are supported by @JasonJoel 's cool drivers, which I believe mostly means the newer Z-Wave Plus devices. They end up w/up to three taps up (on) (single, double, triple-tap) for three different button actions, and same for down/off.
GE Enbrighten Z-Wave Plus Dimmer Driver
The new GE Enbrighten devices are just different enough from the old that I wanted to make a new driver that supported the features correctly.
NOTE: This is for the toggle/paddle GE Enbrighten Z-Wave Plus Dimmers only (ZW3010 / 46203 / 46564). It will not work with any non Z-Wave Plus GE models (12xxx), it will not work correctly with any other Z-Wave Plus GE models (14xxx).
Can set default ON %, both by a parameter setting and …
Crap, don't know how I missed that setting in the dimmer settings. Embarrassed to say that I actually looked at the settings before I asked here. [eek!]
Thanks - that looks like the right approach!