GE Dimmer Device Issue

Out of the box, when you pair these devices, they should be automatically assigned the correct driver based on their fingerprint. If you pair a device and it comes up with the non-specific "Device" driver, then the fingerprint has not yet been added to the appropriate Hubitat Driver, if one exists. In that case, you can try the various 'Generic" drivers to see if any work. If yes, then please tell @mike.maxwell and he will add the fingerprint to the appropriate driver in an upcoming firmware release. If none of the built-in drivers work, then it is often best to reach out to to see if the device is on their radar.

Others have linked the older threads where this specific topic has been discussed repeatedly. To sum it up simply... If you have an old GE Switch/Dimmer that is not Z-wave plus, then you should be using the "Generic Z-Wave Switch" or "Generic Z-Wave Dimmer" driver. These drivers will properly update the state of the switch when activated via Hubitat. However, using these drivers will require you to poll/refresh these devices periodically to keep Hubitat's state up to date with PHYSICAL button pushes on these devices (only if you need this capability!) Be aware that polling these too frequently, or too many at one time, has caused some user's Z-Wave mesh to get bogged down.

If you're using a newer GE Z-Wave Plus Switch/Dimmer, you should be using the "Generic Z-Wave Smart Switch" or "Generic Z-Wave Smart Dimmer" driver. No polling or refresh is required with these newer switches that report their PHYSICAL button presses correctly. These 'just work' as you would expect.

Here are some of the threads...

Hubitat has just created a new documentation site that needs help to make it complete. The team is willing to allow users to contribute as well. I'll just leave this here... :wink: