Okay, that's my driver. Surprised you didn't report an issue.
Question: When you installed and/or changed the battery, did you perform the tilt sensor reset?
Okay, that's my driver. Surprised you didn't report an issue.
Question: When you installed and/or changed the battery, did you perform the tilt sensor reset?
no i didnt.. maybe that is the problem.. i just open closed door repeatedly till it was back in sync?
dont want to do it now in case it acts up as we are not at that house currently
Have a look at the link I posted. Resetting the tilt sensor is required. I added some bold to the post to make it more clear.
Resetting the tilt sensor doesn't actually speak to the device. It just resets the battery and tilt values in the driver. Totally safe operation. Here's the code:
void resetTiltSensor() {
logEvent("tamper", "clear", null, "Tamper cleared")
logEvent("battery", "100", "%", "Battery alert reset")
ok reset .. so what rule would i add to report when the battery message comes in or is it just low battery.
my existing rule is also not just for low battery.. occasionally (like once a year) the wdz totally freezes up and i need to power cycle it.. that is why i have switch behind it so i dont have to get a ladder out.
I'm using your driver and I thought I recalled you modifying the battery reporting to a basic binary answer, all or nothing, as it doesn't report the level.
When the battery needs to be replaced the reported battery level will be 1%. I myself use the built-in Notifications app, monitoring all the battery devices in my system and reporting once per day if any battery is below 35%. I do both Hubitat push and Pushover notifications so there is no chance that I will miss it.
It is binary in that the level it reports is either 100% or 1%, but it reports it as a battery level percentage so that it can be used by the Notifications app.
I have Device Activity Check app set to <2 for both doors so I should get the alarm at 1%.
Interesting. I just checked to make sure I had this in the app and noticed it created a log entry after I left.
So, I guess I need to handle this outside the app I was using.
I imagine WebCore is going to say that attribute isn't available either.
I set up a piston but figuring out how to test. Maybe just removing the battery will create the 1`% solution.
app:3142025-01-13 12:01:43.975
Device Garage Door Shed detection method is battery but does not support battery attribute
I'm confused. Is it saying my driver is not offering a battery attribute? If so, something is wrong. Double check using Notifications or Rule Machine.
Red Herring
The drop-down on Device Activity Check gives a choice of battery as does WebCore but it creates that log error.
Found that I had moved one of the garage doors to the built-in driver during my attempt to use the supplied HE drivers.
Turns out the HE driver doesn't support battery but the Device Activity app shows it as a selection when choosing to monitor battery devices.
I went back to yours and the log error does not appear now.
Okay, that makes sense. The built-in driver does not handle the tilt sensor (battery or tamper) which is what motivated me to write the driver.