January 17, 2023, 4:00pm
Take a look at @bptworld 's Device Watch Dog app. Does activity reporting, battery reporting and more. Install with the Bundle Manager app or directly from Github.
*** BPTWorld apps are no longer being developed or maintained. Thanks ***
Introducing 'Device Watchdog'
Keep an eye on your devices and see how long it's been since they checked in.
Activity Reports:
Create Activity reports based on number of hours since the device checked in.
If device hasn't check in, an automatic 'refresh' is sent to see if the device will respond
Choose whether to show devices that have been Active or Inactive within the set number of hours.
Based on 'Last Ac…
*** BPTWorld apps are no longer being developed or maintained. Thanks ***
Introducing 'Bundle Manager'
The place to explore BPTWorld's Bundles. Find, install and update bundles quickly and easily.
Bundles are an easier way for Developers to maintain and distribute their work. It also makes it much easier for any user to install the apps/drivers/libraries they are looking for!
Requires HE version or above
Simple, streamlined interface
Powerful search features. Search …