April 26, 2020, 8:26pm
Maybe consider looking through this thread:
If your dashboard is being displayed by your door (tablet or some other device), Hubitat now has the ability to Password Protect any Individual Tile, through the use of Global Variable Connectors.
I also did not like the HSM secondary window, and would rather just have one tile to push to disarm the alarm. Since my dashboard is displayed on the wall in my back foyer, I needed this tile to be password protected. With Global Variable Connectors you can now have a tile, that when pushed prompts yo…
My posts toward the bottom explain how to get a numeric keyboard to pop up for entering the code. I also didn't really like the HSM pop-up, and I use non-PIN protected buttons to enable HSM, and a PIN-protected button to disarm:
I think my dashboard is finally getting settled down, so I figured I'd post it now. I've done everything with the built-in Dashboard app, with some of the tiles customized using CSS. This is a currently fairly simple home security-focused implementation. I don't do much in the way of automation, since that runs into WAF issues. These dashboards are all displayed on my wall-mounted tablets.