Frient Air Quality Sensor

meh I'm super cautious with the upgrades in winter season. My z-wave mesh sometimes go sideways after upgrade. :slight_smile: thanks for checking!
opened this topic to discuss my issue further. in case you interested. Frient Air Quality Sensor AQI issues

also one more thing I can think of, is the device firmware version. not even sure if its upgradeable. will research tomorrow.

I can't get my Freint Air Quality sensor connected. It appears to connect then times out. Any ideas?

I tried all 3 ways and did a reset in between them

Shut down hub and then unplug for a couple of mins. Power back up. Factory reset the sensor then Pair next to the hub as just regular zigbee

no luck.

Use this workaround.

no go.

Can you confirm you followed all steps precisely?

Try the procedure once again. I have the Frient heat detector, and it was difficult to pair it in my setup as well.

For how long time you are holding the pairing button down?


Press and hold the button under the plastic cover for 15 seconds to start the pairing process. The light will flash once at 5 seconds, twice at 10 seconds and will flash rapidly at 15 seconds at which point you can release.

I the the air quality sensor it paired right up for me..

I assume when the last 4 characters change you have factory reset the device.

These are from 3 of the many attempts

Initializing Zigbee Device 0015BC003600270F, 4347
Initializing Zigbee Device 0015BC003600270F, 6266
Initializing Zigbee Device 0015BC003600270F, 38AD

Yes, the DNI changes on each unsuccessful pairing attempt…

Did you follow the pairing steps from 0 to 5 not skipping or modifying anything?

On the last step 5, did you held the pairing button down for 15 seconds ?

Rick, I suppose you have paired successfully your Frient AQ sensor long time ago, on your first attempt?

followed all instructions numerous times.

I finally got the monitor discovered. I ended up back reving the system to and it discovered. I was originally on updated to and it failed on both of these versions.

@mike.maxwell see above. Strange having to roll back.

It is strange and I only decided to do it because I was hoping an update would solve the problem. I was having issues getting the latest version to download and I started using the {ip}/:8081 diagnostic page and saw I could load an earlier version, I tried it and it worked, it discovered it in seconds. I then updated to the latest version and it still works.

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