Flume integration

Well the 1st thing I would do is buy 1 new solenoid... (They're cheap) and then start replacing a solenoid with the known good one. This way you ensure that the solenoids are indeed good and not seeping. The next thing would be to just say F'it and call someone like American Leak Detection...


Thanks yeah I guess I could give that a try, I have had my ear half an inch away from the solenoid at night, completely quiet, and didn't hear anything, but you're right this really really slow leak could be so quiet I'm not hearing it

I did call American leak detection but the show up price was $400, $100 more to stay more than an hour, and $150 add-on if they need to use more advanced methods to find the leak. It also didn't seem like outside irrigation leaks were really in their main wheelhouse



I see that you found their website.


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Unfortunately the work was all done by our contractors and I didn't follow their exact activities closely. Also, for some reason I didn't take as many pictures of their work in the front yard as I did in the back to document things. So I don't have a clear picture showing me the exact route that the water runs from the main irrigation water valve over to the four irrigation control valves in the front yard.

Given how tiny the leak is and the fact that it's intermittent, twice now it started and then stopped, I'm starting to think that your solenoid idea is what I need to check.

It would fit the symptoms pretty well if I have a solenoid that's just not closing all the way sometimes. Ending up just slightly open enough for the trickle to go through.

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I'm getting ready to install ours as well as a fence... Next month will be fun.,.,.,

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racoon GIF

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Does anyone know if you can get your Flume water flow values to show up in Dashboard?

I'm not sure about the HE dashboard but you can with SharpTools.

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That is so cool...he's playing a water harp!! :smiley:

Appreciate the feedback. Looking for the selected devices to show up in the dashboard with that info. For example. I have motion sensors that have built in temp. When I bring them into the dashboard and assign them as motion sensors, the temp value also shows up within the device ICON. Can't seem to get that to work with Flume.

You may need to use an attribute tile rather than one of the built-in types. You should be able to get any of the device attributes to appear as text that way.


That was it! Knew it couldn't be that hard. Thank you!!!

Very cool...


Is there a way to get labels on more of the attributes? I added a bunch of attributes to my "abracadabra flume" :wink: but most of them are unlabeled... I assume this is an HE Dashboard limitation.

The Hubitat dashboard shows the attribute name for me when I create a tile. I suspect something in your custom formatting for those tiles is hiding them. Is that the native Hubitat dashboard app or something else?

For example (different driver, same point):

Yes - I'm using a dashboard mod called "Smartly" that was developed some time back by individuals who are no longer participating in the forum (they are working on their own smart hub and were banished...). Gives you mouse-control - drag and drop and resize, which is very nice, and prettier too if you want to invest time in customizing.

So that must be why I'm losing the attribute name. Thanks.

So I was an hour or two in the front yard today playing "Which Solenoid is the Naughty Solenoid." :wink:

One solenoid was a mess, obviously not in good shape. Old and new below...


A second solenoid also seemed like a very good candidate to replace, but in the end I replaced two valve bodies and three solenoids altogether. Mostly because things were getting pretty old and I had the parts on hand. I know, not very scientific, should only change one thing at a time but it was late and I was just so tired of dealing w/this slow-annoying leak.

At this point there is no leak, but I am not out of the woods because the leak has been on and off again in the past few weeks.

Thanks again for pointing me at the solenoids, that is (was?!) the cause, or at least part of the cause, of my excessive liquidity. :slight_smile:

Fingers crossed until I check status again tomorrow.