[FIXED] Android 2.0 Beta - Custom Mode Does Not Appear

Awesome job on the new Android mobile App.

Was playing around and noticed that one of the modes I created on my hub, called "Relax", does not appear in the list of modes available to select on the main screen. I'm guessing the one's displayed are the default one's that come as part of a fresh install.

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I've noticed similar.

I have three additional modes defined for various motion sensor/time of day rules, but only the four stock modes are showing on the main screen.

This is still an issue. Only the four pre-setup modes are being displayed.

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It's still a work in progress.


I haven't even looked at the HSM features. :slightly_smiling_face:

I have several more modes other than Day, Evening, Night & Away and these are what's still missing.


You might want to look at HSM while waiting on custom modes, HSM fixes are in the next update, maybe the modes too, as they are certainly on the list :slight_smile:


I will try and do that today or tomorrow.

I honestly do not use the HE android app at all. I do everything through a browser. I downloaded it to review it and try and give back a little by participating in the beta.


Those of us paying taxes (admittedly in another country) appreciate your contribution to testing the app :slight_smile:


Check out the update 218:


Sorry... I was too into thinking about HSM modes and got confused with your report on custom modes... a totally different thing

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That fixed it, thanks


@bobbyD I only see the custom modes when I'm on my local network with the hub. When I'm off the local network, they don't show up and I get a mostly blank page.

Local vs. non-local

Bug was identified and fix is coming in the next update. Thanks for your feedback.


I didn't even have time to test this... great work....

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The Thermostat mode that is reported is always incorrect!

That's not the same as the overall system mode though.,..

Sorry, my previous comment doesn't belong here...

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