[FIX PENDING] broken Qubino Driver (Qubino 2 Relay Module)


Ever since migrating from Smartthings to Hubitat last month, I have had consistent issues with my Qubino Flush 2 relays. They would work sometimes, but mostly not. No issues on Smartthings Classic.

The problem is that they would only report status changes shortly after a hub shutdown and power cord disconnect. Unfortunately they would then become flakey and unreliable within a few minutes, but at least they worked.

I was really hoping that 2.2.4 was going to solve the problem, but it completely broke the child devices. While I can turn the device on and off from the parent device (which means both child devices turn on), the individual child devices simply don't respond to commands and can't be controlled independently. I have excluded and reincluded one of the relays a couple times, but same issue.

I switched over to Ericm's drivers. While the child devices seem to activate using those drivers, the child devices show no current state and therefore are useless in the dashboards. I am simply at a loss as to what to do now. Unfortunately these relays are the only essential devices I have that must fire on schedule.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I’m having the same issue with mine as well. They actually were working fine before upgrading to 2.2.4 now the states don’t update and they are slow to respond. Hopefully a hot fix is pushed out soon to solve this.

For me only the statusses do not update for the child devices after 2.2.4 update. But they do switch individually. So just Energy/Power/Switch statusses of the child do not refresh to the current situation.

@bcopeland, just updated to and my Qubino 2 relay children are still not updating status. Checked the logs and am seeing the following when using the switch. I hope this helps.

Oh wow.. thanks.. broken Qubino Driver, not reporting back binary power state from switch.
Device is a Qubino 2 Relay Module.
Multiple parsing errors and exception, physical and zwave relay action does work.

dev:25462020-11-18 07:05:48.698 am errorgroovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: java.lang.String.parse() is applicable for argument types: (java.util.ArrayList) values: [[[name:power, value:54.5, isStateChange:true, unit:W, descriptionText:Ian Room Qubino power is 54.5W]]] Possible solutions: use([Ljava.lang.Object;), take(int), plus(java.lang.CharSequence), plus(java.lang.Object), wait(), trim()

Version Report - FirmwareVersion: 5.01, ProtocolVersion: 4.38, HardwareVersion: 2

I have 4 of these devices and all present same behavior, used alternative driver as workaround as Jasco z-wave Dual Outlet which correctly reports back binary state of the switch and updates driver accordingly. No power report options.

Fix is coming


142 seemed to fix my Qubino children status updates, however all my motion lighting and simple automation rules are ignoring Lux restrictions and all my lights are turning on when its still light out. Reverted back to 141 for now.

.142 has been pulled due to various issues. You can roll back to the previous .141 release from the Backup and Restore screen...use the "click here" link.

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Plus one on this issue. But as a newby not sure how to use an alternate driver?? (you referenced the Jasco z-wave Dual Outlet) - Should I do that or wait for a fix?

So far .143 is working much better for my Qubinos. Hopefully it stays this way. Before 2.4.2, they would be fine after a hub shutdown, but get unstable pretty quickly. So far I have been updated for about an hour, things are still responding quite well. Fingers crossed.

Thanks for the info. The latest hotfix I am seeing is (Release 2.2.4 Available) Am I missing something? or should I be updating to something else?

143 was released this afternoon and is the latest version...

Ok, gotcha, Just did that update and it seems fixed! Thank you for your help and info. (And to the Habitat teams quick attention and fix.)


OK, well the child devices are showing status when selected in the device list, but when I try to add them back into dashboards, the tiles just show a question mark and the devices can't be controlled. Anybody have this issue with .143?

But, they are at least triggering so my automations will hopefully work better...

.145 is out...updating may not help, but will get you a few updates/fixes related to Z-Wave.

Bug Fixes

  • C7: Multiple issues were fixed for Z-Wave Repair.
  • C7: Enhancements were made to outbound Z-Wave queues to better handle groups and slow devices.
  • Dashboards: Changed Dashboards to make "Dashboard Link Tile" work as before when opening from WebMenu or MobileApp.

Any update for this item?
My qubino's are atm very unreliable, they turn on the lights nicely but turning them off digitally is either slow or doens't happen at all. For now I'm using these:

They seem to work better for now. With the C4 and C5 I do not have this problem.

after the 145 update, I had to unpair and repair my three Flush 2 Relays to get them to work reliably. Unfortunately a ghost node popped up during this process that I can't get rid of. The relays all seem to work reliably, sometimes they are instant on/off, other times they are instant on/off but don't update status for up to 30 seconds or so, but they seem to always work now.

Hmm, that sucks. I will try one to see how it goes. Not looking forward to un- and repair the rest tho'. Then again, if it works who cares once its done :wink:

Aswell as driver change and re-pair the devices didn't have the wished for result. I have an other issue probably as all my z-wave devices are affected as discussed here: