So, I can see the sensors with the Zwave stick as the secondary controller, but in the latest Aeon OTA app (V1.10) when I try to update the firmware, I'm getting 'Command Class Firmware Update Meta Data: is not supported'
So, I can see the sensors with the Zwave stick as the secondary controller, but in the latest Aeon OTA app (V1.10) when I try to update the firmware, I'm getting 'Command Class Firmware Update Meta Data: is not supported'
Ugh.. I've given up and cried No Joy at this point. I'll be doing each one one at a time onto just the Z-wave stick.
Ah, Z-wave.. a protocol designed by engineers for engineers.. and we wonder why IoT has a hard time taking off and we can't get people to keep current on firmware for security reasons... grr...
Where did you find the PC software at ?
There's a User Guldes section on Aeotec (Aeon Labs) support page:
If there is an update for a device, it's found on each individual User Guide page.
I updated my firmware this weekend for my nano dimmer and using aeons software I just used the hubitats z-wave usb stick and it worked. I didn't need to exclude anything as it seams to store everything on the stick, so just plugged it to a PC found the stick did the update! Then once done plugged it back to hubitat and powered back up, simple! I'm in the UK btw so we have a separate z-wave a d ZigBee stick.
Going to try and buy only Aeon kit now that I know they provide software and firmware update from their website, just need to be sure that their nano dimmer does the same stuff as the fibaro dimmer 2.
Hmm, I tried this for the Aeon multisensor 6, and it didnt work. I'm getting the same errors as in this post.
What didn't work?
Updating the aeotec firmware using the method above.
What z-wave stick do you have? And did you run the aeotec software from their website? It only works on a PC aswell.
I have the aussie version of the HE z-wave stick. Yes, I used the software from the aeotec site and I used a PC. I got the same errors as Firmware Updates for Aeon Multisensor 6 via Z-wave Stick joined to Hubitat
Not sure then just to be sure this is what I did. I had my devices joined to hubitat through that in the z-wave menu it tells you the node ID I noted down this and what type of device it was. All of my devices are joining insecurely. I then download the relevant software from aeotec and shut down my hubitat. I then removed the z-wave only device stick from hubitat (I have separate sticks) and attached to the window 10 PC. It found a driver and I opened up the software from memory I believe there is two and one has to go before the other. It said it had found the stick and it populate all my devices (I think I tested and was able to turn all devices on and off) I then found the node ID and ran the software. Once finished connected back to HE and booted her back up
Thanks, I followed these instructions and it did work. The trick was waiting after pressing "node information" and letting is propogate. Appreciate the help.
I have an Aeotec Zstick on a virtual Linux machine running OZWCP and attached to my HE hub as a secondary controller. I see all the devices attached to the HE hub and can turn my lights on and off from the OZWCP interface. Although I haven't tried, it is likely possible to apply firmware updates through that Aeotec Zstick attached to another machine. That could mean easy firmware updates to C-5 hub users and non disruptive firmware updates.
I updated all my Aeotec multisensors a few weeks ago.
I paired a Z-Stick to Hubitat, and used the Z-Stick to do the firmware updates. Worked great.
I don't have anything that has updates that I know of but great to have that as an easy option. Have you left the Zstick paired to HE? I left mine paired so I can have the Zwave logs through OZWCP.
Yes I leave it paired. I don't leave the stick powered up/connected all the time, though. I just plug it in whenever I want to see my zwave routing table, or do a firmware update.
I just shut down my HE hub, then from my OZWCP machine I turned lights on and off. This does suggest that the Zstick is operating as a secondary and it should be somewhat easily possible to do migrations hub to hub or Zwave backup and restore. I have no need for a second hub as far as capacity is concerned but would absolutely get one as a spare/secondary once this was possible.
Hey Mike,
i noticed my multi 6s have 3 different firmwares and wanted to update them.
So @mike you powered down your HE, used the zwave stick in your PC with the AEON software and updated them that way ?
Yes, I did have the firmware ready to go. I didnt want my zwave network offline for too long. Once I got the device to register, see trick above, then it worked.
saves me buying the aeon stick this way.