Firmware update: Third Reality Multi-Function Night Light firmware update

Perhaps this is something that @mike.maxwell can write into the driver? Maybe a toggle on/off for lux.

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I just installed one of these yesterday. It is reporting firmware as version 32 and software build as .5.

  • firmwareMT: 130D-0000-00000032
  • manufacturer: Third Reality, Inc
  • model: 3RSNL02043Z
  • softwareBuild: v0.00.50|
    The light is working properly and the lux is reporting all the changes. The motion sensor is however not clearing. It reported active when I added the device and hasn't changed to inactive at all based upon the logs. I am trying to figure out if I have a defective device or if there is a driver issue. Is anyone else seeing an issue with the motion detection on the device? Thank you.

That would be amazing!
Honestly, I'd prefer to have a delta change variable... but beggars cannot be choosers :wink:
I'd like to keep the lux reporting, but only generate events for lux every "X" minutes; or when changed by more than "X" lux.

I know @kkossev did something similar with his Tuya temp/humidity driver... and that has been working great. It was spamming the crap out of me with humidity variations. Being able to control a delta makes it very user friendly.

I dont recall the device responding to reporting configuration values.

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Is there a way for me to view the built-in driver code?
I was thinking maybe I could copy it to a test driver; and experiment.

That would just mask the issue. It would still be flooding the mesh with updates. If you had half a dozen of these it would get pretty noisy and you wouldn’t even know.

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Such workarounds help to reduce the HE load by skipping the unnecessary events generation, processing and logging.

As for the effect of the frequent reporting - a healthy Zigbee mesh is much more robust than most of us may think...

This is a very good article on this topic:


Isn't this a common shortcoming of Third Reality devices?

Interesting ... Looks like you have a later software build and the firmware that shows as available (but doesn't download). Not sure what to make of that, though, since it is not exactly behaving for you.

  • firmwareMT: 130D-0000-00000030
  • manufacturer: Third Reality, Inc
  • model: 3RSNL02043Z
  • softwareBuild: v0.00.48

If there isn't some sort of easy firmware fix, then I may have to crack this open and hope that the circuit allows for a simple RC filter or such to slow down illumination changes.

So this makes sense in what we are seeing. The failed update says it is going from 30 to 32.

I covered mine with electrical tape over the area where the lux sensor is supposedly located. It has definitely helped with the spammy logging. At first it dropped down to reporting a variance between 1 and 2 lux (back and forth)... then it settled down and has held steady at 2 lux for over an hour now.

Interesting, mine has now settled down. Over about 40 minutes it only updated when expected. What a strange little device.

Ok that’s strange. I rebooted the hub around noon because memory was about 120MB. It had been online since I last updated the firmware. Before the reboot the sensor was chatty and after it has been stable.

This makes no sense because the hub doesn’t initiate the event.

EDIT: It went chatty again about two hours later. :man_shrugging:t3:

I've been in contact with Ivan at 3reality... He's read the thread and is passing on the issue of chattiness to the engineering team.


Thank you very much! I had to disconnect mine; it was just too much. It quickly became my number one device as far as hub cpu/mem usage.; and my only usage for it right now is as a visual light indicator.

Here are a few of my thoughts after usage:

  1. Ability to turn on/off lux reporting and/or accept a configuration setting for reporting a delta change. "Only report if lux changed by X".
  2. Ability to turn on/off motion reporting. This is not as big a request; but rather a "would be nice to have". I personally don't use the device for motion alerts, but I'm sure others would. It certainly is not as intrusive in it's reporting as lux.

I do like that it is small, a zigbee repeater, and provides a customizable light indicator. I would certainly purchase a few more for around the house if I could control their chattiness.

Thanks again!

Does anyone know how the light works (or is supposed to work?)

I can't figure out how it does the motion-activated light, which it seems to do on its own at random (read: not-yet-determined) times. I do have a schedule to turn it on at night and off in the morning. I'm assuming that's what's messing with it, but I can't figure it out. It seems to do it sometimes, but not others, and irrespective of whether or not its off. I know that doesn't make sense on the surface, and I would agree. I'm confused.

Create a rule. Use motion as the sensor, pick the device as a motion sensor. For the action, turn on light, pick the device as a light, also set parameters like color and brightness.

I got that, I'm just trying to figure out why it does it on its own sometimes, but not others.

Is anything covering the sensor? I don't remember the cool down period on it.

Sounds great. From what I’ve seen they have been pretty responsive as a company. That is a great way to create a strong community.

A few notes should Ivan pass this way again.

It would be nice to know what the detection angles are for the motion sensor. The 3R motion sensor has a nice diagram and it was able to use several outside by turning them upside down. This greatly reduced the false alarms caused by stray cats.

My use case is a little different for the night light. I want to use some mounted near the ceiling on a track. For these I want to get the best sensitivity and have been playing with mounting angles. Knowing the detection angles would help with best placement.

This leads to settings. It would be fantastic if it were possible to configure the settings. Such as turning on/off the lux reporting, setting the motion sensitivity, or adjusting the range of the reporting interval (every 5, 10, or whatever # change).

Even if the sensitivity is a bit less than I would like it would be nice to have some added to my mesh so that each room has at least one mains powered sensor. I don’t always catch when a battery goes out.

You have a good base of products that work well. Thanks for taking the time to listen.

EDIT: It was just mentioned that the auto night light function might not be overridden if you manually control the light. I haven’t tested this yet.

If this is the case then it would be good to be able to turn that functionality on and off.