I searched the support pages but did not see how to do this. All of my motion sensors provide motion, temperature, and illuminance. When I look at a long log, it is flooded with temperature and illuminance entries (mostly illuminance). Your log filtering scheme allows me to easily see only the "illuminance" entries ... but I want to see the opposite --> everything except the illuminance entries. Is there a way to create a negative filter?
As far as i can tell you cannot filter based on device or app, stat, Are you sure you aren't adjusting it by sorting.
Either way if you put Temperature in the search field it will only show those values.
Yes -- I have already discovered that if I put a string into the search box that it will show me only those entries that contain that string. In my example, I entered "illuminance" and I saw only those entries that showed illuminance ... across multiple sensors. What I WANT to see is all entries that do not contain "illuminance". If this is not currently possible, I'd like to make a feature request for it to become possible
Ok so a feature request will have to meet a level of benifit to the community and platfor lm for them to do it. What is the reason you want to filter this way. Maybe there is a better way to get you the info you want.
I am trying to debug my overall program, composed of multiple scripts. Something goes wrong occasionally and I leave the log running for a long time to “catch it”. The problem is, ALL of my sensors flood the log with INFO messages for temperature and illuminance (things I don’t care about) as I search for motion activity (also I FO messages, but these are the ones I do care about). Sure … I can eventually find what I need, but it’s a pain. An alternative is for it to write the full log to a text file on my hard drive,so I can use a text editor to do the filtering I want.
You can also write the log data to InfluxDB with a driver. Then use the syslog Dashboard to pull out the related apps/devices you want. I have something like that for when i am debugging my apps.
If you want to go down the path of exporting logs to look at in different ways, there is also a Community developed script for exporting the logs to csv or JSON.
IF you are reading the logs through a browser (Firefox, Chrome, other?) that accommodates userscripts (Tampermonkey, Violentmonkey) it should be possible to write a script to alter the rendering of the device's log page and remove html elements with negative filtering ...or highlight with positive filtering ...or both.
Looking at the html of one of my device's past logs it looks do-able.
Is this a script that I would upload to the Elevation, or one I would use in the browser? Where would I access this script?
This is the script I was talking about. It's a Java program you run on a PC and it listens for logs being recorded at saves them to a local file on your PC.
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