Fibaro Motion Sensor ZW5

I can't seem to pair the ZW5 nor the FGDW-002 Door sensors at all...


Wondering if this ever got sorted. I've seen several threads on here reporting the same behavior I'm experiencing with this unit (it reports motion, nothing else), but can't seem to find any definitive answers. Mine is a v2.7.

Any help would of course be greatly appreciated.

Just to close the loop from our DM, I decided to hook these up through Smartthings (which support the older firmware devices) and sync events through HubConnect. Works pretty well for my use cases. Unfortunately never got there in the end with a direct integration with HE :frowning:

What driver are you using on the ST ? Can you change any parameters?

I also have the old version and i spent a whole day trying to change parameters 60, 62 and 64. Temperature measuring and reporting is disabled by default. If you could change those values than you would get temperature readings in HE. There are other parameters that are worth changing like: disable the light for motion, illuminance reporting, etc)

I have tried changing them with Basic Z-Wave Tool, i managed to get the parameter list and change them, they look good in the logs, but when i load the driver i see the default values.

I wonder if i set the parameters with Fibaro HC, will they work? I don't have the HC so that is the last option.

On HE I'm using the built-in driver "Fibaro Motion Sensor ZW5" on both types of z-wave sensor.

Yes. I change the parameter the press the B button 3 times to get it into configuration mode and then press "configure" for the device in the UI.
It then takes the change.

Thank you for your reply, although i've made a mistake quoting your post. I was refering to the last post, hence the question about ST.

But, since you have the old version as well, do you get temperature readings ? And what is the refresh time?

I've managed to change the parameters from the native driver, it works for led color for ex, but i'm not getting any temperature updates. What values do you use? 60. Temperature report - threshold, 62. Temperature measuring - interval, 64. Temperature report - interval.


I'm just using the ones ST assigned by the looks of it. I tried custom ones but settled on this:
Not much help but I'm not dependant on using these for anything specific as I have newer models tracking room level motion lighting and other metrics.

I have one installed on ST using that driver and it reports battery level, illuminance, motion, acceleration and temperature. I've ported the same driver on HE and it does not work, except motion.

Has anyone managed to change the parameters on ST ? I know there is a Z-Wave Tweaker but i don't know how. I would like to change the temperature reporting interval to less than 15 min (default value).

Update: I've managed to change the temperature parameters using Z-Wave Tweaker, and now it reports temperature as desired.
There is only one thing left to do. Can someone help porting the driver to HE?

Update 2: Since the sensors are working in ST, i installed Hub Link to get the values into HE.
But surprise ... :neutral_face: It's not working.
It showing temperature converted in F° from C° and it is not updating motion status although in the Events tab i get updates.

hub link fibaro
fibaro st

Temporary solution:

Add the sensors to ST using the integrated Fibaro Motion Sensor device handler (not the ZW5).
Use HubConnect 2.0 RC2 with Dome Motion Sensor driver.
You get instant updates in HE of the following parameters:
he hubconnect

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Has anyone been able to get this to work on the C-7 Hub? Thanks

What exactly are you trying get working on the C-7?

Sorry about that it the Fibaro Motion Sensor ZW5 It work on my C-5 hub but on the C-7 hub it stuck on active now for about three days? I may have to take the FW5 back to the C5 Hub? Thanks

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On the C-7 did it join secure? Past the Data section form the bottom of the device please

Yes here the data.

Okay. I had issues with these things joining as secure S2.

They just didn't work batteries drained, unreliable.

Have a read of this thread. Secondary Controller using Z-Wave - PC controller - #45 by erktrek

It's long, you'll need a USB stick and then you'll need to add them using a secondary controller. See one of the later posts I made in that thread:

That should result in this:

Good luck!

Final point, I think wether they join correctly or not depends on the motion sensor FW. I had some older version, hence the painful addition process!


@brumster Thanks for the info and I will try what you suggest tommorrow. I have a couple of Z-wave stick from Aeotec so it shouldn't be hard to try.

I try and couldn't get it to work correctly (Fibaro Motion Sensor) so I stuck it in a C-5 Hub and runs without a problem so I'm going to leave it there. Thanks

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I, too, have had too many issues with trying to get these motion devices included on a C7 (They come in as S0 without prompting). I wound up with ugly ghost devices that could only be forcefully removed using PC Controller software and C5 Z-Wave stick. It was many steps, but my C7 Z-Wave network looks clean after hours of work!

I left these Fibaro and Zooz motion devices on my C5, which included them all as expected, and using Hub Mesh to get state to the C7.

Hopefully, this Fibaro and Zooz motion sensor inclusion mess on C7 will be fixed in an upcoming hub upgrade.

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This sounds very frustrating! I have a C7 hub and two ZW5 motion sensors (3.3 firmware). And they really like getting "stuck" in motion active state. There are no issues with luminance or temperature reporting, and on the motion side they work fine a lot of the time, but sometimes they don't.
They are connected to the hub with S0 (I don't remember being prompted).

Has anyone had luck with these or should I see about returning them?

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