Fibaro FGK-10x driver w/temp

That's interesting. I spent two days trying to make that driver work, and had no success.

However: I went back to my SmartThings config and realized I had to install a customer driver (They call them "Handlers") on my ST to get it working there. That particular "Handler" was developed by SmartThings themselves. I copied that code from my ST hub into Hubitat and it worked great.

Not sure why my FGK-10x won't work with the Hubitat built in driver, but it worked fine with the one I ported over from ST.

That driver / handler, if anyone is interested, is available on the SmartThings public GitHub: SmartThingsPublic/fibaro-door-window-sensor.groovy at master · SmartThingsCommunity/SmartThingsPublic · GitHub
