[FEEDBACK] A few questions

New app is better but here's a couple issues:

  1. Why a separate app instead of an update? I didn't know this existed.

  2. Like ability to view selected fields on device list, but why isn't TYPE column able to hide?

  3. Device tiles for pool heater, spa heater and Dyson fan indicate ON, but they're not. Also can't do anything on the screen when I select them (see image).

  4. How to change column width on device list?

  5. How to create more dashboards? I don't see any "New Dashboard" item.

Honestly, I expect better:

a) Why a new app instead of updating the old?
b) The entire app looks like HTML web pages stuck into a phone. It's 2024, no-one does that anymore.
c) Why using low resolution icons (including the social networks) under "more"? Looks cheaply made, un professional.
d) Why not using the paradigms of the host OS (iOS in my case) for the UI? It looks alien.

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I don't use the app for geofencing but when i accidentally clicked on geofence and clicked not now all it does is bring the prompt back up. Had to quickly click on cancel to get out of the loop. If any more info is needed on this bug feel free to contact me.

Edit: Android Version

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I had the same experience until I just rebooted my phone.

May be something to look into.

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My guess on this one

is this:

If they just replaced the old app, any showstopper bugs would not allow anyone to keep using the old app. While they DO have beta testing, beta tests NEVER find all the bugs. This is a much safer way to allow users to use the old while they find bugs that were not found during the official beta. With something as integral as the app itself is, I personally like and appreciate the approach.

However, I was unaware of the new app at all until I casually logged in to the forum and saw posts about it. Not seeing any notices in SPAM in my e-mail. Assuming I missed the mail notice, or saw it and it did not register what it was.

This might be time for a good feedback suggestion to have an additional "admin" notification within the app itself and web interface (similar to when updates are available)


The new app was built from the ground up and merging the code into the old app was just not feasible.

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