I like the new changes on the whole. Some things will take a little while to get used to, but for the most part it's great. Kudos to the team.
I like the way the device details page is broken into tabs.
What I don't like at all is the way that the device page slides in over the device list. Any click outside the device page slides it back out.
Let me explain. I'm used to opening the device list and right-clicking on the device name to open the device page in a new tab. I most likely will want to work with multiple devices, and I'll want to have all of those tabs open easily at the same time. And while I'm looking at a device and have its page open, I might want to look at settings or logs or apps. But right-clicking on the menu item closes the device tab. It's really frustrating. I'm finding that my workflow is seriously impeded because I have to go through so many steps to get multiple devices tabs open. And then they are likely to close back to the devices list.
If the devices list could go back to working like it used to, that would be wonderful. I don't understand why it's necessary. Opening the page itself gets you to the same place as sliding it in.
Click/tap the little arrow next to the device name instead of the name itself, and your wish is granted.
EDIT: I can't say say I don't miss the ability to middle-click (or equivalent with other input devices) the name itself to open it the same way -- a way with a larger clickable area...but I must have gotten used to both of these by now.
If you are trying to access the admin interface (the topic of interest here), you don't need the mobile app for that, and it's more steps no matter what; just use any web browser and navigate directly to the IP address of your hub or findmyhubitat.com if you're not sure.
It does not seem like your comments are related and might be best addressed in a new topic with more specific concerns if the above procedure is not good for your use case.
I'm one of those old farts . who doesn't like a lot of change and this is definitely different than it was but I have to agree it is very nice! It will take some getting used to!
But I have to give kudos to the developers!
For working on and continually updating the platform making it new and exciting!
I started playing with the tags in devices (and it looks promising) but can't seem to figure out how to change/delete a tag from the list. Is there documentation for this feature? I didn't see any on the docs2 site.
That worked, thanks. Hopefully they will implement the ability to modify an existing tag. Kind of cumbersome to have to delete the tag in each device if you what to change it
I'm 100% in the android ecosystem. There is no logout button, I even clicked in the black area in case there is a color rendering problem but nothing happens. Tried both landscape and portrait modes. Samsung S8 tablet and Google Pixel 9 pro xl phone.