April 14, 2018, 2:32pm
Would you be willing to officially support the EZmultiPli device? I’ve tried to get it working, but the device configuration never seem to set. I’ve also not been able to figure out how to control the colors.
// Express Controls EZMultiPli Multi-sensor
// Motion Sensor - Temperature - Light level - 8 Color Indicator LED - Z-Wave Range Extender - Wall Powered
// driver for SmartThings
// The EZMultiPli is also known as the HSM200 from
// 2017-04-10 - DrZwave (with help from Don Kirker) - changed fingerprint to the new format, lowered the OnTime
// and other parameters to be "more in line with ST user expectations", get the luminance in LUX so it reports in lux all the time.
// 2016-10-06 - erocm1231 - Added "updated" method to run when configuration options are changed. Depending on model of unit, luminance is being
// reported as a relative percentace or as a lux value. Added the option to configure this in the handler.
// 2016-01-28 - erocm1231 - Changed the configuration method to use scaledConfiguration so that it properly formatted negative numbers.
// Also, added configurationGet and a configurationReport method so that config values can be verified.
// 2015-12-04 - erocm1231 - added range value to preferences as suggested by @Dela-Rick.
// 2015-11-26 - erocm1231 - Fixed null condition error when adding as a new device.
// 2015-11-24 - erocm1231 - Added refresh command. Made a few changes to how the handler maps colors to the LEDs. Fixed
// the device not having its on/off status updated when colors are changed.
// 2015-11-23 - erocm1231 - Changed the look to match SmartThings v2 devices.
// 2015-11-21 - erocm1231 - Made code much more efficient. Also made it compatible when setColor is passed a hex value.
// Mapping of special colors: Soft White - Default - Yellow, White - Concentrate - White,
// Daylight - Energize - Teal, Warm White - Relax - Yellow
// 2015-11-19 - erocm1231 - Fixed a couple incorrect colors, changed setColor to be more compatible with other apps
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