[Solved] Feature Request: Easier rule editing with popup menu

IMHO it would be a lot easier to handle the "code" in Rule Machine if I could just click on the line I want to edit (or delete or insert before).

You could realize this through e.g. HTML popup menu, e.g. something like this:

BTW: How can I add tags to a topic? :thinking:


Don't like hovers because they don't work on mobile. But for desktop it would be helpful.

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Mobile friendly alternative: Click on the line, than show menu.


Could also add 'cut' too I guess.

The only thing I worry about is clicking the wrong option without any confirmation and deleting the wrong line. As it is now you have to click away from the selector to get the action completed. Which is confusing until you get used to it. Also you can delete multiple lines in one go today. So if they add this then they should still keep the current method I think.


The UI certainly needs a refresh and these kind of ideas are cool I think. Small changes that can make a difference without having to switch out the underlying technology which we understand is more problematic.

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Yes, I've forgotton "cut action" - prob. because I don't understand that... :roll_eyes:

Ha ha ha I just wish they'd implement a 'copy' function too but apparently that is tough to do.

...and a "move" function!

How often I already had to delete a line and create a new one - only to perform a "move"... :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Isn't that effectively what cut/paste already does? You can cut a line and paste it elsewhere (eg. move it). But unfortunately it's not possible to copy it.


Hahaha - now I finally understand what "cut" means! :bulb:

Until now I had fear and not used this feature - I thought it would remove something (e.g. a condition) from a line... :roll_eyes:

Said that, I think a "copy action" should be trivial to implement... :thinking:


Yeah it could be called "move" instead, might make more people understand it. Cut implys that you can then past it multiple times, which you can't. Cut also gets people asking for copy when @bravenel has said it too dirty to do currently.


Yeah, but sadly we are told it isn't :cry:

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@bravenel already stated that he's looked at it and it's non-trivial so unlikely to be implemented as mentioned above already...

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Pasting the same action more than once would have all sorts of unpleasant consequences. It is tantamount to making a copy. This sort of copy is more like a clone, and not really an independent action. Cut/Paste works pretty easily because the single instance of the action is simply moved in its place in the order of actions, not copied.

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This would not work. For example, a condition in one would be the same in condition in all. No way to change it in just one. There would be the same problem with device and variable selections. You just have to trust me that this is a non-starter.


The man from the mountain has spoken. Lol

That’s said, this is exactly the way we got the cut and paste function. Just throwing ideas until Bruce says “hmm, maybe I can do that”


For sure the copy would need to be edited, just as a cloned rule must be edited to reference different devices etc. But it would still save time building certain rules with complex custom actions which take loads of clicks to produce and fewer to edit.

Fair enough of course. You know the code, we don't.

That's the point, it can't be successfully edited. It would truly be a clone of the original action. If you changed a device selection in it, that would change all copies of that action also. So that just wouldn't work.

When you clone a rule, you get an independent copy of the rule. So that does work. It's just copying an individual action within a rule that is not going to work.

The effort to actually implement a copy action function would be quite large, and is simply not going to be a priority for where to spend effort.


Makes sense and understood...



So we need some kind of free code editor in Rule Machine (and a Rule compiler) to solve all those problems... :thinking:
Shall I make a new Feature Request? :wink:

BTW: The original thread was about an much easier way to select an action for edit/delete/insert/cut... :point_left: