I am trying to find a fast response motion sensor that will turn on a Lutron switch? Looking for something with a 1-2 minute shutoff.
I looked at the Fibaro but it has a 2s delay that cant be overwritten. I dont have a Hubitat system yet (I have ST v2) but if there is a sensor that works better with the Hub, I will buy the Hub.
If you read those some of the reviews posted, there are a couple that mention the 2s delay. Also, there is a 5m minimum shutoff time which is a little high for a pantry.
Great question @Sebastien! I am trying to automate a pantry light. When the door opens I need a very responsive light (<1s) and a short shutoff time, turn off after 1 minute of no motion.
Have you considered a door sensor that turns on the light when opened and turns it off when closed? (Or is the door typically closed after someone enters it...?)
I have a cold room and that is what I have had setup for a while. It worked great!
I recently added a motion sensor that detects if someone is in the room so we could close the door, but it is one that takes a while to detect no-motion (like you describe) so the light does stay on longer...
Here's some actual data using a Fibaro FGMS-001 with the built-in hubitat driver.
The sensor reads active the instant I flashed my hand over it. And went inactive approximately 46 seconds later.
So I have no idea where you arrived at the notion that it took 2 seconds to become active and 5 minutes to become inactive, but that isn't the case for the z-wave+ version.