Fakro Rooflight - not getting status change

I've installed this Works fine for direct controls BUT, I want to have an app using Basic Rules that opens my roof lights when a sensor in a room is >23 degrees, This works and also makes an announcement on Sonos so I know it happened. My problem is that it keeps getting activated - I though easy, just have a condition to stop it running so I thought would not run the app if the kitchen window rooflight was already open. Issue is that the status is not updated so this either still repeats or doesn't run. Appreciate ideas to have the control I'm looking for

On the device can you hit "Save Preferences" please - that should cause the driver to get the window status based on the "Refresh Rate" specified.

I've looked and I see that this is not being called automatically when "Configure" happens - I'll make that change. I'll also get it to automatically refresh a minute after a command is sent to the window.

So windowOpen should work for you - it can be either "yes" or "no".

Updated driver to Rev 1.5 and it's now in HPM

Let me know if this works for you. Thanks.

Thanks Simon the status looks ok now after Saving Prefs.
Great driver for it working so easily :+1:

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