Factory Reset C-5 on Firmware (Diagnostic Tool stuck on version 1.0.92)

Hello all,

I have a C-5 that I want to give to a friend to get him started with home automation so I figure I should factory reset it. The problem I'm having is that the Diagnostic Tool does not have the "Advanced..." button which is how I understand I can factory reset the device per https://docs2.hubitat.com/en/user-interface/advanced-features/soft-reset#what-about-a-full-reset.

The C-5 Platform Version is hub- The Diagnostic Tool Version is 1.0.92. I have repeatedly attempted to "Download Latest Version" within the Habitat Diagnostic Tool interface that I am accessing via port 8081 on the IP address of the C-5 but either the C-5 does not apply the update correctly or it is not finding a newer Diagnostic Tool to install.

The screen that comes up while the C-5 is downloading the update and then applying it ultimately states "You will be automatically redirected to your Hubitat Elevation." after the update seems to be applied. However, I am never automatically redirected anywhere.

I remain able to access the Habitat Diagnostic Tool via port 8081 and it shows the same old tool version of 1.0.92. I have tried rebooting the hub after the new diagnostic tool has been downloaded and applied but I still show the old tool version of 1.0.92 and I continue to be unable to access "Advanced...".

Because I cannot access Advanced options I cannot perform any of the resets suggested in the Full Reset Alternatives at https://docs2.hubitat.com/en/user-interface/advanced-features/soft-reset#full-reset-alternatives.

I have also performed a "Soft Reset" without restoring a backup though I don't believe this is sufficient based on the information provided at the links above.

I'm not sure what I can do at this point or what I might need to do to prepare this C-5 for someone else to use. Any thoughts would be appreciated.


See this post for how to force a diagnostic tool update.

Factory reset has nothing to do with diagnostic tool update. Have patience, it sometimes takes a VERY long time for update to arrive.

The above is what you want, but addressing this point:

This refers to the regular hub platform software, not the Diagnostic Tool itself. It should update on its own within a couple days of upgrading your hub firmware; otherwise, the above is how you can make the update happen sooner yourself.

This is also documented here:

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Thank you!

Thank you for that clarification! I've never understood what that "Download Latest Version" button was referring to. I've always found it unnecessarily vague so in my current predicament I took a chance and was hoping it would fix the problem.

Thanks for the link to the documentation of the diagnostic tool. I could definitely benefit from a better understand its functionality.

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