External Antenna

Just curious if the device count went up any more since your last post.

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Nah. It basically fluctuates between 82-92 but I’ve never seen it go down below 82 since it got that high. It’s at 84 right now so still nearly double what I started at before the mod.


Similar observation. It bounces between 47-52 (out of 57). So basically double of where I started.

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Mine is holding steady at 62 out of 71 z-wave devices with direct connections. I feel sure that if I could find a more central position for the hub they would all be direct, but that's something to think about over time - it's working great anyway for now.


Still that's a huge improvement. Hopefully you're happy with your mesh now and will stick around. :grinning:


I haven't given up, but unfortunately, when one problem is resolved, another one appears :frowning:

I was wondering if your switches and automations continue to function even when those strange device types appear?

Function? Yes. But INCREDIBLY delayed, like 30-45 seconds of delay. So for example, I have an Inovelli switch at the top of a staircase. Double tapping it turns on both the staircase light and the separate switch in the downstairs hallway. By the time the lights turn on, I'm already down the stairs and through the hallway. Rebooting does not resolve. Shutdown,unplug for ~30s, then power up fixes it. So that makes me suspect it's radio related.

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That's pretty much non-functional in my book.

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Yeah, guess I just mean if the device eventually responds, it does mean the hub radio is broadcasting since the message is received, right? Going to update to 2.3.0 again soon. That was when I noticed the problem. I rolled back to 2.2.9 and haven't had issues

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There was a problem that was fixed in .113 that wasn’t in the release notes. It only effected one of my hubs.


Hmm interesting. A Similar issue? I was told there were no zwave changes in 2.3.0, here's hoping it fixes it. I was on 107 when it happened. I just upgraded to 113


It definitely wasn’t a z-wave thing. It had to do with event stream, but it caused the cpu usage to climb which caused everything to be delayed.
Let us know if it fixes your problem. For me the slowdown would begin 2 days after a reboot. I could watch the cpu usage start to climb after about a day and a half, and just steadily increase until accessing the web pages as well as any rules/automations would slow to about 15 seconds. Rebooting did temporarily resolve it, then the process would start over. I’m not sure which beta caused it due to the time it took to be noticeable.

Ok, that doesn't seem related then. This was before that bug was introduced and also this was having devices identified incorrectly by the zwave stack so my guess would be cpu slowdown wouldn't cause that (also, I don't have anything using eventstream)

Sorry, I couldn’t remember exactly what the issue was when I posted. I noticed it when my Zigbee radio became nearly unresponsive. Of course it had nothing to do with the Zigbee.


I played around with refresh on my devices but I couldn't replicate the problem. Possibly a database issue? Maybe try a soft reset and see if things clear up. I've seen the slowing you've described for a whole host of issues, event flooding, mesh flooding, device or hub send retries, bugs in applications, database issues, etc. I'm currently on


I'm doubtful because then why did rolling back to 2.2.9 fix it?

I'd still buy it! Just replaced my first soldering station from 1978 with some new fangled thing and want to try it out. Say, when did they remove lead from solder? :rofl:

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That's where I'm at. I've slowly been moving away from Zwave because of connectivity issues. I've worked hard to eliminate them. On the Zigbee side getting a few xbees and the software that let me see what was going on was huge. My zigbee mesh is awesome so I've been moving that way. Which kind of sucks sometimes because there are some nice zwave devices. If I can pull this off (hoping someone at work can do the modification for me) I'm hoping that I don't have to keep avoiding zwave.


First a big shout out to @lewis.heidrick as I would not have been able to do this myself.

After running for approximately a week I am seeing most of my devices connect directly:

  1. Of 33 total z-wave devices, 30 are now connected directly to the hub. Previously this was 24.
  2. All my z-wave+ devices are now connected at 100 kbps.
  3. Prior to the Mod, I had 5 Keypads (Ring Gen 1) in my HSM setup but on occasion it seemed the zwave radio was over run with traffic as different keypads would still say they were armed when the system was disarmed. When I removed 1 keypad (From HSM) this behavior went away. With the Modded hub I added the 5th Keypad and have not experienced an issue. (It is possible that an update to the system corrected this issue as I have had the keypad removed for several months and only decided to add it back after having the new Antenna’s.)

Quoting @aaiyar "I really hope that Hubitat considers an antenna redesign, or an external antenna, for future hub designs."