Local Power Company was replacing a pole today, so had an outage that lasted 6 hours.
The Hubitat is on a UPS, but it won't last that long...
When the power came back on though, the circuit powering the external FiOS adapter had popped its GFCI, so there was no internet.
So there was about another 7 hours with Hubitat powered on but no internet.
It had no notion of the correct time, so none of my usual programs ran. Not much to do about that unless I make a local internet-independent NTP server and point it at that.
But the other upshot of that was that when I flipped the GFCI on again and the habitat got the correct time, the "time taken processing a function" counters for the driver just being serviced jumped to 7+ hours because of the clock jump, and that driver was now blacklisted for taking too long.
If I hadn't checked the logs to see if things were back on schedule, I wouldn't have noticed that the driver was being prevented from publishing events.
Rebooting fixed it of course.
Are there any other gotchas to do with startup without a functioning internet connection?