Every reboot destroys z-wave network

Home brewed DTH. What in the driver can cause this?

Actually its also a problem in our built in drivers.. overwriting the "manufacturer" data value. It does not break anything functionality wise, it just makes it so that the correct values do not display on the zwave info page. Fix will be in 1.1.5


My hub works significantly slower when those device appears on z-wave list. I worked with Bobby on this in the past and he advised that I need to remove those devices and pair them back. I did that not once. Once those devices with mismatched data are gone from the list, hub works well.
In my case that is not only fire alarm, but also few linear switches and dimmers and Aeon micro switch.
If those devices are not the reason for hub slowness, then what is?
Also why when I run z-wave repair , all those devices are skipped?

First alert smoke Detector.

  • deviceType: 1
  • inClusters: 0x20,0x80,0x70,0x85,0x71,0x72,0x86
  • deviceId: 1
  • MSR: 0138-0001-0001
  • manufacturer: BRK Brands, Inc.

First alart smoke and CO detector

  • deviceType: 1
  • inClusters: 0x20,0x80,0x70,0x85,0x71,0x72,0x86
  • deviceId: 2
  • MSR: 0138-0001-0002
  • manufacturer: BRK Brands, Inc.
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Perhaps I am mistaken, but I don't see anything that would cause the hub to slow down when that data is not shown on the page. We will continue to look into the issue with you.

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