ESPHome + Hubitat

Not a Genie. :smiling_imp:

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I believe thatā€™s the last 3 octets of your MAC address. Check your DHCP reservations or do an arp.

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Yep, true - the last three octets of the MAC address make up the device name suffix.

  • API Version: 1.9
  • Bluetooth Proxy Version: 0
  • Board Model: d1_mini
  • Compile Time: Feb 12 2024, 04:17:51
  • Device Name: ratgdov25i-1bf35b
  • ESPHome Version: 2023.12.9
  • Has Deep Sleep: no
  • Last Connected Time: Thu Feb 15 21:04:05 EST 2024
  • Last Disconnected Time: Thu Feb 15 18:25:12 EST 2024 (send error: Broken pipe (Write failed))
  • MAC Address: C8:C9:A3:1B:F3:5B
  • Manufacturer: Espressif
  • Project Name: ratgdo.esphome
  • Project Version: 2.5i
  • Server Info: ratgdov25i-1bf35b (esphome v2023.12.9)

Not sure if this helps, it's in the ESPHome device, scroll down.

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Simply a ā€œheadā€™s upā€ for those of you who use the ā€œESP Home + Hubitatā€ community integration:

In the past couple of days, an update to the ESPHome firmware on RatGDO was released that cannot communicate with this Hubitat community integration. Home Assistant released a bunch of updates that, taken together, allow Home Assistant to communicate with the new ESPHome firmware, which apparently encrypts the communications with RatGDO.

Personally, I use HADB to bring ESPHome devices like RatGDO into Hubitat, and I specifically do things that way for devices that arenā€™t natively supported on Hubitat, because they are supported and development and maintenance continues for those devices on Home Assistant. Itā€™s not a knock on Hubitat, just a choice of the right tool for each device. All of my automations are on Hubitat, just oddball devices, unsupported on Hubitat, sit on Home Assistant.

Anyway, just a ā€œheadā€™s upā€ not to do the RatGDO firmware update until an update occurs to the ESPHome driver on Hubitat.

Here is the RatGDO firmware version that canā€™t talk to the Hubitat ESPHome community driver:


I don't think this is new. The driver has not ever supported encryption. It would be nice to have someone update the driver to handle encryption since it is standard in the Home Assistant world.

My doors are working with 2024.2.1 with no encryption. I did have to press initialize/refresh. Not sure if that was due to the ESPHome upgrade or not.

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Ok. Then something happened with the HA Core update, ESPHome update, and/or ESPHome firmware update in the past 3 days for RatGDO that turned encryption on. I didnā€™t touch the HA YAML since installation.

I see the comment in the instructions linked above about turning encryption off. Hadnā€™t thought about it since installation until everything blew up this weekend after the updates.

When I first got my RatGDO on December 23, 2023, I set it up on HA with HADB to Hubitat, and also on the Hubitat ESPHome driver. Worked fine on both, and I left them both running in parallel but only used the one through HADB. This has worked through a couple of ESPHome updates on HA and a couple of ESPHome RatGDO firmware updates through HA. No problems until the set of updates this past weekend, when the Hubitat logs blew up on the Hubitat ESPHome Garage Door driver for RatGDO. No problems on the HA side or HADB device for RatGDO.

Still, itā€™s something to check if anyone updates ESPHome and/or RatGDO firmware from now on.

And this is a prime reason I dislike HA, "breaking, F'N updates". Last time I deleted HA, I'd put over a year of effort into my setup and one single update F'D it so bad I couldn't recover (back then, they didnt do backups before each update, and I hadnt done one for a while).


Pretty sure any change that caused the issue was on the ESPHome side. These were my first ESPHome devices, so I proceeded without knowing much of anything. I first added the ESPHome add-on. Then I went through the steps to get the devices into ESPHome and HA. I don't remember the particulars. I didn't try to add the devices directly to Hubitat (I like you still use HADB to connect the devices to Hubitat) until the @ady624 created the more complete set of devices. My first try to add to Hubitat didn't work. And it was due to the encryption. (I was using 2023.12.x)

My steps to get these devices updated are pretty simple 1) update the ESPHome add-on, 2) update/install the devices from the add-on. This is the ESPHome YAML that I have. It was automatically generated when I first set up the devices. The only change I've made is to comment out the encryption key. The devices work in both Hubitat and HA.

  name: garage-door
  friendly_name: Garage Door
  ratgdo.esphome: github://ratgdo/esphome-ratgdo/v25iboard.yaml@main
  name: ${name}
  name_add_mac_suffix: false
  friendly_name: ${friendly_name}
    #key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password
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This can literally happen to anything when you don't take backups.

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thanks for the heads up, my ratgdo is running esphome v2023.12.9, guess I am not updating it :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Well... To be fair it DIDN'T break in HA... It still works just fine on HA. :man_shrugging:

In this case it broke in an unsupported 3rd party integration made for hubitat...


All one has to do is remove device encryption. It will then work both places. Encryption is standard, but not required in the Home Assistant ESPHome world. Not sure how much effort it would take to add encryption handling to the Hubitat driver, the original developer didn't want to do it.


No argument. It is easy to remove encryption.

I wasn't trying to inspire that there "wasn't a fix", but I was staying that this was not a "HA breaking change" because it is not.



Just to be clear, there is nothing wrong with the most recent RatGDO firmware or ESPHome update on HA. Itā€™s just that something in the HA Core update, HA ESPHome update, or HA RatGDO firmware update process that re-enabled the encryption in the YAML file. Commenting out that line enables use of RatGDO on the Hubitat ESPHome community driver and still works in HA.

However, same thing could happen next time there is an update.

I will remark that the change to the YAML to re-enable encryption is something new in the recent updates. There was at least one update and possibly two prior updates to ESPHome and RatGDO firmware since I got mine, and the YAML wasnā€™t changed during the past updates.

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It's this part most likely. The ESPhome add-on wouldn't manipulate the YAML for the firmware directly. Those updates are to update the underlying scripting that builds the actual firmware, but they don't change configurations.

The RatGDO YAML has a line to pull the current YAML managed by them.
That will cause ESPhome to check for changes to that config file in GitHub and it will download them when available. This doesn't automatically get pushed though.

If you update the ESPhome addon, it'll prompt to update the devices it sees to recompile the firmware with the new updates I mentioned in the first paragraph. So, likely that the YAML managed by RatGDO changed, the line in the YAML caused the ESPhome add-on to update the YAML for it in the add-on dashboard, and when the device was updated (prompted by the add-on update), it applied that new configuration.


Looks like there have been 4 commits to RatGDO base.yaml since the beginning of the year. Thanks for explaining the process.


Itā€™s never happened to that extent on Hubitat, or my old Vera hub. Minor items might get broken, but there were never big updates that unapologetically broke existing integrations and or dashboards.

Fixed that for ya!


is this yet another markup language file part of HA? Can't find that in ratGDO's base.yaml...

Trying to look into adding encryption support to the ESPHome library... wish me luck :smiley:

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