Errors from Notify App

Here is another error in logs, this time the built in notifications app.

Not sure who to tag about the Notify app, post 2 above. Still generating errors, and it's not sending reports for sub 50% batteries.

I am looking into this...

Im still getting errors on this, and I removed and recreated app.

I haven't been able to reproduce this error. How many battery devices do you have?

My guess is that one (or more) of your battery devices are reporting a bad value, and the app is choking on it. If you look at a broader cross section of the logs, you might be able to see what device is reporting a battery event right before the error is thrown.

Yeah, maybe.

I just updated to the latest patch. The very first item in the logs after startup was the battery notify error. This is right after the reboot, so there was no battery reports prior. I have 32 battery devices.

I know that you were trying to fix the Notify app with this recent release, but I think that it still doesn't work.
I have a notification set to work when a certain code is entered. The following app doesn't work:

It's a Zwave Kwikset Smartcode 888, and here are the events:

Notification still does not work!!!

OK, but what you've shown doesn't really establish that it didn't work. Are you sure that you can send a notification to that same notification device? As for example from its device page?

I cannot reproduce this failure. That is to say, I can set up an identical Notifier, put in the code for the lock, and get a notification every time.

Perhaps you could show the App Status page for this Notifier, to see if there is something off about it. You could send that by PM if you like.

using notifier app...and open patio door and get the first notification but NEVER get any more even though i have it set to 20 sec repeat....would really appreciate help,,,, tried rules machine and I could not figure out how to send repeated warnings....this app looks very clean ....but doesn't work : (

Please check each notification device (manually) to make sure that it can send notifications.

I'd ignore the necropost above; it's unrelated to the OP and seemingly a duplicate of this where we already discussed the problem:


This thread should be closed @aaiyar @jtp10181