Error 500

Getting this this morning when trying to view a device from the Devices pages. Viewing other pages OK.

A quick reboot fixed it

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Woke up this morning and automations were not working. Found this Error 500 page again when trying to log into the HUB. Emailed support and leaving the HUB alone until further instructions.

EDIT. The only page on the hub i can go into the the log page but nothing is showing up in the log.

This is bad timing too. I have no easy way to power cycle the hub now since it’s sitting ontop of kitchen cabinets and my back gave out yesterday. Time for a WIFI plug i guess.

Me too. Reboot sorted it.
Had to rebuild several pistons as WELL EDIT. Are you guys using webCoRE?

No wecore here… Just Smarttiles. and about 30 RM rules.

So I rebooted the HUB now I’m stuck at 10%.

Not caused by webCoRE then.
Was just wondering.
Try another reboot.
I had to do 2.

Happened to me too. I had to do two reboots. First one stopped at 70%. I am using webCoRE, but do not know that is a related issue.

still stuck at 10%. Third reboot already. @patrick any ideas? email support already.

Attached an HDMI monitor to it and I can see it boot the the login prompt. No clue of the username and password so not much to do other than wait for support I guess.

Should I try the recovery USB stick ? @chuck.schwer ?

Tried downgrading the hub to 705 but still stuck.


Try powering off the unit, removing the usb stick and then restarting it, see if it shows up, and then reinserting it after.

tried that already this morning. taking the nuclear option now to see if it will come back to life.:crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

:cold_sweat::cry::cry::cry::cry: I’m sad. Will be without a hub for a few days :frowning: Time to consider a spare hub incase one go down hard??? Is that even possible? using two hubs with one radio USB stick? Just so if one goes down, it won’t go down for days…

booo… i am going through automation withdrawal already. I want my hub back :slight_smile: Hub reset didn’t do the trick. maybe support want to teamviewer into my PC and see if they can work the some magic?

Will the backup and restore also restore Apps? Please say yes… Please say yes … Pretty Please!!!

Just want to stay Thank you for support for helping me get things back up and running. and Yes, the back and restore will also restore apps and settings as well. Only painful part was I have to repair all the zigbee devices again. Thanks @bobbyD @chuck.schwer @mike.maxwell


What ended up being the issue? A recursive routine or something?

I was told a corrupted DB. Not sure how it got that way but I was getting some SQL related error prior. As part of the hub reset wasn’t working right either so they have to fix something on the cloud side for the reset to work properly. Maybe @bobbyD can enlighten us on what happened and reassure us that it won’t happen again :slight_smile:

I just went through this tonight. I had to reboot as well.

wish you luck… be patient :slight_smile:

I don't get it. I hadn't made any changes prior to getting this. I am not sure how the DB would have gotten corrupted.