Enerwave Z-Wave motion sensor ZWN-BPC not working

Hi there. I've paired my Enerwave ceiling mount motion detector. ZWN-BPC.. not - ZWN-BPC-PLUS. I have tried some custom drivers and generic zwave but it does not do anything but the initial battery report. If I remove and add battery that shows in the log. I have tried some custom drivers when searching forum for ZWN-BPC but no luck there.

ZWN-BPC-PLUS is on official supported list, ZWN-BPC is not... though it paired.

Anybody using these?

Strangely enough I had same issue with HSM-200 Homeseer - no motion events.. but I gave up on that and haven't gotten back to it.

Ha, funny I just tried to pair my zwn-bpc plus last night on the C7. What a piece of junk. It wouldn't pair at all. Seems I have to reboot the C7 before every pairing event. I had the motion sensor working on the C4 and ST, but trying to move to the C7 and man what a hassle.

You might look for a driver for your zwn-BPC by eric maycock, I know he did driver work for enerwave back a few years ago.

Try this below. Eric worked on it and it works for me on C4, but I have the plus version


  • Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
  • in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
  •  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
  • Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
  • on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
  • for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  • Enerwave Ceiling Mounted Motion Sensor
  • Author: erocm123 (Eric Maycock)
  • Date: 2017-06-18

metadata {
definition (name: "Enerwave Ceiling Mounted Motion Sensor", namespace: "erocm123", author: "Eric Maycock", ocfDeviceType: "x.com.st.d.sensor.motion") {
capability "Motion Sensor"
capability "Sensor"
capability "Battery"
capability "Health Check"

  fingerprint mfr: "011A", prod: "0601", model: "0901", deviceJoinName: "Enerwave Motion Sensor"


simulator {

preferences {
  input "parameter1", "enum", title: "Motion Inactivity Timeout", description: "Time (in seconds) that must elapse before the sensor reports inactivity", value:1, displayDuringSetup: false, options: [1:60, 2:120, 3:180, 4:240]


tiles (scale: 2) {
multiAttributeTile(name:"motion", type: "generic", width: 6, height: 4){
tileAttribute ("device.motion", key: "PRIMARY_CONTROL") {
attributeState "active", label:'motion', icon:"st.motion.motion.active", backgroundColor:"#00a0dc"
attributeState "inactive", label:'no motion', icon:"st.motion.motion.inactive", backgroundColor:"#ffffff"
tileAttribute ("battery", key: "SECONDARY_CONTROL") {
attributeState "battery", label:'${currentValue}% battery'

  main "motion"


def installed() {
log.debug "installed()"
// Device wakes up every 4 minutes (at most), this interval allows us to miss 4 wakeup notification before marking offline
sendEvent(name: "checkInterval", value: 4 * 4 * 60, displayed: false, data: [protocol: "zwave", hubHardwareId: device.hub.hardwareID])
return response(commands(updateConfiguration()))

def updated() {
log.debug "updated()"
// Device wakes up every 60 seconds, this interval allows us to miss ten wakeup notification before marking offline
sendEvent(name: "checkInterval", value: 4 * 4 * 60, displayed: false, data: [protocol: "zwave", hubHardwareId: device.hub.hardwareID])

def parse(String description) {
def result = null
log.debug description
if (description.startsWith("Err")) {
result = createEvent(descriptionText:description)
} else {
def cmd = zwave.parse(description, [0x20: 1, 0x30: 1, 0x31: 5, 0x80: 1, 0x84: 1, 0x71: 3, 0x9C: 1])
log.debug cmd
if (cmd) {
result = zwaveEvent(cmd)
} else {
result = createEvent(value: description, descriptionText: description, isStateChange: false)
return result

def sensorValueEvent(value) {
if (value) {
createEvent(name: "motion", value: "active", descriptionText: "$device.displayName detected motion")
} else {
createEvent(name: "motion", value: "inactive", descriptionText: "$device.displayName motion has stopped")

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.basicv1.BasicReport cmd)

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.basicv1.BasicSet cmd)

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.switchbinaryv1.SwitchBinaryReport cmd)

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.sensorbinaryv1.SensorBinaryReport cmd)

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.sensoralarmv1.SensorAlarmReport cmd)

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.configurationv2.ConfigurationReport cmd) {
state."parameter${cmd.parameterNumber}" = cmd.configurationValue[0].toString()

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.notificationv3.NotificationReport cmd)
def result =
if (cmd.notificationType == 0x07) {
if (cmd.v1AlarmType == 0x07) { // special case for nonstandard messages from Monoprice ensors
result << sensorValueEvent(cmd.v1AlarmLevel)
} else if (cmd.event == 0x01 || cmd.event == 0x02 || cmd.event == 0x07 || cmd.event == 0x08) {
result << sensorValueEvent(1)
} else if (cmd.event == 0x00) {
result << sensorValueEvent(0)
} else if (cmd.event == 0x03) {
result << createEvent(name: "tamper", value: "detected", descriptionText: "$device.displayName covering was removed", isStateChange: true)
result << response(zwave.batteryV1.batteryGet())
} else if (cmd.event == 0x05 || cmd.event == 0x06) {
result << createEvent(descriptionText: "$device.displayName detected glass breakage", isStateChange: true)
} else if (cmd.notificationType) {
def text = "Notification $cmd.notificationType: event ${([cmd.event] + cmd.eventParameter).join(", ")}"
result << createEvent(name: "notification$cmd.notificationType", value: "$cmd.event", descriptionText: text, isStateChange: true, displayed: false)
} else {
def value = cmd.v1AlarmLevel == 255 ? "active" : cmd.v1AlarmLevel ?: "inactive"
result << createEvent(name: "alarm $cmd.v1AlarmType", value: value, isStateChange: true, displayed: false)

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.wakeupv1.WakeUpIntervalReport cmd)
log.debug "WakeUpIntervalReport ${cmd.toString()}"
state.wakeInterval = cmd.seconds

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.wakeupv1.WakeUpNotification cmd)
log.debug "Enerwave Motion Sensor Woke Up"
def cmds = updateConfiguration()
def result = [createEvent(descriptionText: "${device.displayName} woke up", isStateChange: false)]
if (cmds) {
result += response(commands(updateConfiguration()) + "delay 3000")
result << response(zwave.wakeUpV1.wakeUpNoMoreInformation())

def updateConfiguration() {
def cmds =
if (state.parameter1 != (settings.parameter1? settings.parameter1 : "2")) {
log.debug "Updating Configuration Parameter 1 to ${settings.parameter1? settings.parameter1.toInteger() : 2}"
cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 1, configurationValue:[(settings.parameter1? settings.parameter1.toInteger() : 2)])
cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 1)
if (state.wakeInterval != (settings.parameter1? settings.parameter1.toInteger() * 60 : 120)) {
log.debug "Updating Wake Interval to ${settings.parameter1? settings.parameter1.toInteger() * 60 : 120}"
cmds << zwave.wakeUpV1.wakeUpIntervalSet(seconds: settings.parameter1? settings.parameter1.toInteger() * 60 : 120, nodeid:zwaveHubNodeId)
cmds << zwave.wakeUpV1.wakeUpIntervalGet()
log.debug "Setting Association Group 1"
cmds << zwave.associationV2.associationSet(groupingIdentifier:1, nodeId:zwaveHubNodeId)
cmds << zwave.associationV2.associationGet(groupingIdentifier:1)
if (!state.lastbat || (new Date().time) - state.lastbat > 1000 * 60 * 60 * 6) {
log.debug "Battery Report Not Received for 6 hours. Requesting One Now"
cmds << zwave.batteryV1.batteryGet()
return cmds

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.batteryv1.BatteryReport cmd) {
def map = [ name: "battery", unit: "%" ]
if (cmd.batteryLevel == 0xFF) {
map.value = 1
map.descriptionText = "${device.displayName} has a low battery"
map.isStateChange = true
} else {
map.value = cmd.batteryLevel
state.lastbat = new Date().time
[createEvent(map), response(zwave.wakeUpV1.wakeUpNoMoreInformation())]

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.sensormultilevelv5.SensorMultilevelReport cmd)
def map = [ displayed: true, value: cmd.scaledSensorValue.toString() ]
switch (cmd.sensorType) {
case 1:
map.name = "temperature"
map.unit = cmd.scale == 1 ? "F" : "C"
case 3:
map.name = "illuminance"
map.value = cmd.scaledSensorValue.toInteger().toString()
map.unit = "lux"
case 5:
map.name = "humidity"
map.value = cmd.scaledSensorValue.toInteger().toString()
map.unit = cmd.scale == 0 ? "%" : ""
case 0x1E:
map.name = "loudness"
map.unit = cmd.scale == 1 ? "dBA" : "dB"

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.Command cmd) {
createEvent(descriptionText: "$device.displayName: $cmd", displayed: false)

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.manufacturerspecificv2.ManufacturerSpecificReport cmd) {
def result =

def msr = String.format("%04X-%04X-%04X", cmd.manufacturerId, cmd.productTypeId, cmd.productId)
log.debug "msr: $msr"
updateDataValue("MSR", msr)

result << createEvent(descriptionText: "$device.displayName MSR: $msr", isStateChange: false)

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.associationv2.AssociationReport cmd) {
if (zwaveHubNodeId in cmd.nodeId) state."association${cmd.groupingIdentifier}" = true
else state."association${cmd.groupingIdentifier}" = false

private command(hubitat.zwave.Command cmd) {

if (state.sec) {
} else {

private commands(commands, delay=1000) {
delayBetween(commands.collect{ command(it) }, delay)

Thanks @Rxich. Appreciate it.

On a C4 here. Tried this and no go. I have a support ticket open but don't hold out much hope since -PLUS is supported and non plus is not. Which, have you tried the generic driver? Should work since ZWN-BPC-PLUS is on the supported hardware list?

How do you like the -PLUS version? I really liked these devices and if I can't get this to work will need to buy a new ceiling mount. I checked quickly and not many smoke detector style 360 sensors on compatibility list.

That stinks. The plus version is meh, just okay, wacky battery life, inconsistent. I stopped using the device for a while. The Hue motion sensors are fantastic, but expensive and can be ceiling mounted.

I don't recall where, but search the forum, there was a ceiling mounted motion sensor that mike maxwell really likes, as well as many other people.

Don't know if @mike.maxwell likes this one, but the NYCE ceiling mounted motion sensor is generally reviewed well.


Yes, I'm a fan of all the NYCE devices.

1 Like

YES, that's the one.
Thanks Mike

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