Enclosure for Zen16/Zen17?

Has anyone found an enclosure that works well for the Zen16/Zen17 that is reasonably priced?
I considered using a sprinkler controller enclosure, but they seem outrageously priced - a simple plastic enclosure costs more than the Zen16/17 itself.

What box do you use?
What size?
How do you mount the Zen 16/17 in the box so that you can access the button and change the connections if you need to?

This is what I use for my Zen16 outside on our patio, underneath the fireplace and overhead planter with irrigation system (so water does drip down, requiring a waterproof box). The Zen16 controls the fireplace lights, which require timed button pushes to put the lights into color cycling mode. Light controller module is also in the box.

Only time I ever open the box is if I update Zen16 firmware - the Zen16 seems to require exclusion/inclusion if firmware is updated.

It’s been working fine for several years. If I need to access the Zen16, it’s an effort to take all of the glass chips out of the fireplace, remove the fireplace bed, then open the box. I’ve only had to do that twice in several years.

The small size, which I have, is fine for the Zen16. I chose black. Bought on Amazon for about $20 USD several years ago.


This is how i enclosed it.

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@woodsy & @672southmain : Thank you! Based on your posts & links, I learned "Project Box" seems to be the correct search term.

The only caution is that the box needs to be made of plastic to pass the Z-Wave RF signals. A metal box creates a Faraday cage, blocking radio signals.

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I am using a plastic sandwich food container that I bought at my local Container Store. I’ve used these in various sizes for different projects around my home. This is sitting on top of my garage door opener