I've got one in the mail.
Looking/shopping for microSD card.
Maybe I can find an old one around the house.
What's the MINIMUM size one can use, while still getting a little 'fancy' with sounds?
Now that I have custom sounds playing, I'm curious as to the best way to determine when one is finished and another can be requested. I'm currently adding a fixed 3-second delay after my "Front door closed" chime request but would prefer to start the next one when the previous one finishes. Is there a way to detect chime playing status with the Ecolink?
Got a 32GB microSD card at the local drugstore. 22 bucks. I'm sure I overpaid, but I didn't have to drive as far, lol.
Most of my custom sounds are around 250 - 300 kb. Wav files require abut 10 MB per minute, so even a 1 GB memory card would allow room for 100 minutes of custom sounds. It is highly unlikely that you will use anywhere close to the that amount.
If you have a card of lower capacity, it is fine to use it. If you purchase a card, try to find one that is 32 GB or smaller. If you get a larger card, it will be formatted in exFAT which is not readable by the Ecolink device. You can still use it, but you will need to divide it into partitions no larger than 32 GB and then use FAT32 to format the primary partition.
Thanks much. I found a 32 GB card.
Sorry to have broken into @wfoley 's train of thought.
Excellent info in this thread for custom sounds.
Got the ZCOMBO smoke/co alarm hooked up, so that's good.
Converted all my Notify App Pushover rules to Rule Machine, and added custom sounds for each.
Haven't messed with the volume, yet.
My question, and I'm sure there'll be more is:
Why don't I see the name for the sound in logs? All I get are nulls. Like this:
I thought I named my files in the required format, as noted above. What am I doing wrong.
edit: What's interesting is that when a built in sound is played, the name is sent, followed by a null message
edit2: This is from the Device page, and also a Rule
Sorry, I am unable to help with your question. As long as the proper sounds are announced, I never bother to check the logs.
Sounds like a plan.
I'm just messing around.
I have found I can only get 5 characters in the file name to give it meaning.
More than that, it give you a squiggly line and a number.
Don't know why it's not in order.
Well, I have 15 rules set up.
I've got the Mirimba tone, followed up by the custom sound after a delay of one second.
The device is plugged into an outlet on the kitchen counter.
I think the higher location makes for easier hearing, because I've got no problem hearing it on the first floor.
Perhaps I'll get another for the second floor.
Perhaps not; my wife is not totally a fan.
I started with an Aeotec Gen 5 Z-wave siren/doorbell. I wanted to add a second one, but by then the Gen 5 had been replaced with Gen 6 and it would not do custom tones. When The Ecolink chime/siren came out, I purchased one and loved it. I now have a second Ecolink. I moved the Aeotec device to the basement. I have one Ecolink on the main floor at one end of the house and the other on the 2nd floor at the opposite end. That allows me to hear the announcements without having to have it super loud (except for emergency siren tones).
The nice thing about custom sounds is that you can use actual voice announcements rather than just tones. That way, you do not have to remember which tone corresponds to which device.
We have a couple of cats and one has learned what some of the announcements mean. When we have been gone and open the garage door, an announcement plays. That cat runs into the laundry room to greet us when we come in through the garage. When she hears that the front door has opened, she will greet us in the foyer. Likewise, if I go into the basement, the basement motion alert will play. When I come back up the steps, the cat will be waiting for me just outside the basement door.
This morning, I arrived home to find the house empty. My wife was home, but I did not know where she might be. When I heard the alert for the side door opening, I knew she had been outside doing some yardwork and went to greet her.
The key is getting the appropriate messages at the appropriate volume so they will be helpful rather than annoying.
Interesting . Wad thinking of replacing my alexa notifications to this so all are local...
One.big drawback the infrasteucture to put these in all my 4 Locations ie other houses. And in addition, alexa work with notifications from hubitat in locations where a hub is not installed.
Hmmm ill keep thinking.
Not only do the Ecolink chime/sirens local, but they have an internal battery backup. If your Hubitat hub is on a battery backup or UPS, any signals sent by battery powered sensors to the hub will continue to trigger notification alerts on the Ecolink device. That is a wonderful safety feature. With Echo Speaks, if your Internet goes offline, so do your alerts.
I just put a First Alert ZCOMBO Z-Wave smoke/co sensor in the garage.
(I felt the need to have some detection out there, realize that Z-Wave isn't super reliable, but wasn't willing to string wire.)
It's battery operated, the hub is on a battery backup, and the Ecolink siren/chime has a battery backup. The routes show direct to the hub, but I guess that could change, so it bears watching.
I'm not sure if, or if without human intervention, it would establish a direct route to the hub during a power outage, where mains-powered repeaters were off line.
I have a feeling that zigbee battery devices would establish direct routes back to the hub if existing routes using repeaters were interrupted, if they could, but I'm not even sure about that.
Put a few ring zwave repeaters in. they have battery backup built in
I hope your combo smoke detector in the garage works. I have tried setting them up and found them to be unreliable. If I started the car and left the car running for even a few seconds before driving away, the alarm would trigger.
Was yours a ZCOMBO? I haven't had that problem, yet.
I tried to make it go off by putting it in a plastic of bag filled with the exhaust of my MINI. Wouldn't go off. Filled the bag with lawn tractor exhaust, and...beep beep beep beep.
Hoping for the best. I'll probably have more problems with spiders in the photo electric smoke sensor.
The best part of this siren is that I can unplug it and put it in the garage, or ...throw it in the woods, lol.
I have just started playing around with Audacity.
What is the max db gain that can be used, generally speaking, without distortion?
I'm trying 16dB now.
I saw an Amazon review that noted +17dB and allow clipping. I have the device but haven't gotten around to adding sound files.
I just saw a YouTube video on how to do that.
There are loads.
This is new territory for me.