Ecolink Garage Door Tilt Sensor (TILT-ZWAVE2.5-ECO) - Opinion

It sometimes takes awhile for everything to update. Some of my motion sensors with temperature, humidity and battery take several hours before all attributes are reported.


as @jameslslate suggests, the Attributes don't show til they are reported. If battery reporting is set to an hour, for instance, then there is no 'placeholder' display. After the first report though, it will remain, even if inaccurate :smiley:


My Model is: "TILT-ZWAVE2.5-ECO"

It had been working for a long time. The app is a RM4.1 (I never wrote another RM4x since RM5 came out).

I don't recall if I change the Ecolink driver or not but it was set for the System Ecolink driver.

Long story short,
It works on the generic contact sensor but not on the System Ecolink Tilt Sensor.