[DRIVER] Zooz ZAC36 Titan Water Valve Actuator

Hi - I'm new to the community and my first time using Hubitat. I have a C-8 and paired the ZAC36 to Hubitat. However, Hubitat is showing that the device is in the "Closed" position despite the device being in the open position. I understand that there's a parameter 17 that can be toggled to either 0 or 1. Can someone please help me with next steps as to how to invert this parameter setting? Thanks in advance!

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If you are not already using my custom driver from the first post, please try that. You can install it via HPM (recommended so you get updates) or manually. The HPM instructions are linked to in my first post. Here are the docs for installing code manually: Drivers Code | Hubitat Documentation

I think you will find once you switch to my driver the status will be reported correctly.

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Thanks! I installed HPM and your driver through that. Enabled the inverse switch report and now it's reporting properly. Thank you!

The inverse switch setting should not impact the "valve" state on my driver. I belive I have it setup to report the open/close correctly with either setting. That setting will only impact he "switch" state that is reported. Zooz told me it is for legacy hub support and they wanted me to make it off by default because that is less confusing to people.

Thanks for the clarification. Just to confirm my understanding is correct, if I want to setup an automation/rule when a leak detector detects a leak and I want to close the valve, would I set the valve to "close" after enabling the inverse reporting? Or would I set it to "open" (which would close the valve, inversely speaking). Thanks!

Close will ALWAYS close the valve. The inverse setting only changes the "switch" state/commands, not the valve state. Best way to use it is just ignore the switch state and always rely on the valve open/close state.

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