Driver support for Tuya dimmer module, model TS110e, manufacturer_TZ3210_4ubylghk

Setting level 55 in Ch02 gives the cleanest response. Sets the bulb to correct brightness and sets the the level and on/off status correct in hub


warnLiving no response received (device offline?)

dev:2592023-04-30 20:03:35.454infoLiving Living set on

dev:2592023-04-30 20:03:35.347infoLiving Living set level 55 %

dev:2592023-04-30 20:03:35.339debugLiving onSwitchLevel: Value=55 level=55 (value=55)

dev:2592023-04-30 20:03:35.336debugLiving valueToLevel: raw value:55 reScaled=55 (isParent=false, isTS0601=false)

dev:2592023-04-30 20:03:35.148debugLiving levelToValue: level=55 reScaled=55

Setting level 55 in Ch01 gives no response to bulb and and level and on/of status in hub


dev:2582023-04-30 20:08:26.258warnDimmer (CH01) no response received (device offline?)

dev:2582023-04-30 20:08:16.283debugDimmer (CH01) levelToValue: level=55 reScaled=55

Setting level 55 in parent gives a lot of reponse. And does not change the off status to on. It does display online status correct and sets bulb to correct brightness level


dev:2572023-04-30 20:17:20.433debugDining parseBasicCluster: Tuya check-in 0001 (46)

dev:2572023-04-30 20:17:20.431debugDining parse: received descMap: [raw:29120100001801002046E2FF2030E4FF2000, dni:2912, endpoint:01, cluster:0000, size:18, attrId:0001, encoding:20, command:0A, value:46, clusterInt:0, attrInt:1, additionalAttrs:[[value:30, encoding:20, attrId:FFE2, consumedBytes:4, attrInt:65506], [value:00, encoding:20, attrId:FFE4, consumedBytes:4, attrInt:65508]]]

dev:2572023-04-30 20:17:20.425debugDining parse: received raw description: read attr - raw: 29120100001801002046E2FF2030E4FF2000, dni: 2912, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0000, size: 18, attrId: 0001, encoding: 20, command: 0A, value: 46E2FF2030E4FF2000

dev:2572023-04-30 20:15:48.860infoDining Dining set off

dev:2572023-04-30 20:15:48.856debugDining parse: replicating switchState in parent

dev:2572023-04-30 20:15:48.853debugDining parse: on/off cluster 0x0006 command 01 attribute null value 0

dev:2572023-04-30 20:15:48.849debugDining parse: received descMap: [raw:29120100060A00001000, dni:2912, endpoint:01, cluster:0006, size:0A, attrId:0000, encoding:10, command:01, value:00, clusterInt:6, attrInt:0]

dev:2572023-04-30 20:15:48.845debugDining parse: received raw description: read attr - raw: 29120100060A00001000, dni: 2912, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0006, size: 0A, attrId: 0000, encoding: 10, command: 01, value: 00

dev:2572023-04-30 20:15:48.784debugDining Dining sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he rattr 0x2912 0x01 0x0006 0 {}, delay 100, he rattr 0x2912 0x01 0x0008 0xF000 {}, delay 100])

dev:2572023-04-30 20:15:48.781debugDining cmdRefresh: (childDni=01 endpointId=01) isParent()=true

dev:2572023-04-30 20:15:48.778debugDining refresh: parent 01

dev:2572023-04-30 20:15:47.884infoDining Dining set level 55 %

dev:2572023-04-30 20:15:47.881debugDining onSwitchLevel: Value=55 level=55 (value=55)

dev:2572023-04-30 20:15:47.875debugDining valueToLevel: raw value:55 reScaled=55 (isParent=true, isTS0601=false)

dev:2572023-04-30 20:15:47.871debugDining parse: replicating switchLevel in parent

dev:2572023-04-30 20:15:47.868debugDining parse: switch level cluster 0x0008 endpoint 01 command 0A attrId F000 value raw 550)

dev:2572023-04-30 20:15:47.864debugDining parse: received descMap: [raw:29120100080A00F0212602, dni:2912, endpoint:01, cluster:0008, size:0A, attrId:F000, encoding:21, command:0A, value:0226, clusterInt:8, attrInt:61440]

dev:2572023-04-30 20:15:47.861debugDining parse: received raw description: read attr - raw: 29120100080A00F0212602, dni: 2912, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0008, size: 0A, attrId: F000, encoding: 21, command: 0A, value: 2602

dev:2572023-04-30 20:15:47.857debugDining parse: received ZCL Command Response for cluster 0008 command 0B, data=[F0, 00] (Status: Success)

dev:2572023-04-30 20:15:47.853debugDining parse: catchall clusterId=0008 command=0B data=[F0, 00]

dev:2572023-04-30 20:15:47.849debugDining parse: received descMap: [raw:catchall: 0104 0008 01 01 0040 00 2912 00 00 0000 0B 01 F000, profileId:0104, clusterId:0008, clusterInt:8, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:2912, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:0B, direction:01, data:[F0, 00]]

dev:2572023-04-30 20:15:47.842debugDining parse: received raw description: catchall: 0104 0008 01 01 0040 00 2912 00 00 0000 0B 01 F000

dev:2572023-04-30 20:15:47.776debugDining Dining sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0x2912 0x01 0x0008 0xF0 { 0x2602 0x0000 }])

dev:2572023-04-30 20:15:47.773debugDining cmdSetLevel: sending cmdTS011=[he cmd 0x2912 0x01 0x0008 0xF0 { 0x2602 0x0000 }]

dev:2572023-04-30 20:15:47.770debugDining LONSONHO: cmdSetLevel: sending value 550 cmdTS011=[he cmd 0x2912 0x01 0x0008 0xF0 { 0x2602 0x0000 }]

dev:2572023-04-30 20:15:47.767debugDining cmdSetLevel: child=null childDni=01 value=55 duration=0

dev:2572023-04-30 20:15:47.763debugDining levelToValue: level=55 reScaled=55

Hi @Sjoerd ,
Thank you for the report! I am aware that there are issues with the parent devices uniform processing in the latest versions of this driver. There are some conflicts in the processing logic between the multi-gang switches that use different Zigbee endpointIds for each switch (like TS011E), and these devices that use one and the same Zigbee endpointID (like the TS0601 dimmers).

I am waiting for a two-gang TS011E dimmer to come from China, then I will be able to troubleshoot and hopefully fix the code, without the need to completely refactor it.

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Hi there,
any news :slight_smile: ?
Maybe you can help me with a similar problem.

I have a problem with this driver for:
State Variables
deviceProfile : TS110E_GIRIER_DIMMER
driverVersion : 0.4.4 2023/04/23 10:15 PM
bin : -1
destinationEP : 01

In principle, everything works as it should, except for the part of the physical switch.
It doesn't function, and sometimes doesn't respond.

Sometimes when I change the state of the physical switch, then the unit goes into pairing mode. (After changing one state, I don't change state several times quickly)

In terms of the dashboard, everything works well. (except the physical switch issue)

(Through Toya's app everything works great, so no wires problem)

any idea of what can I do ?



Hi oMRi,

I have received today a 2-gang Girier dimmer, so very soon, I should be able to return to chasing this driver problems. Girier will be first, Lonsonho next.


Thank you!

Hi there kkossev,
i have tried the new updated driver for my Girier dimmer, and it act the same as the old driver..
it's a 2 way dimmer, "and the child refused to be born"
Although I did configure
(And I re-flashed. And all the scenarios that are recommended to initialize the driver)

i'm adding the logs and some screenshots, maybe you could take a look:

402023-06-13 06:35:40.138 PMdebugTest dimmer parseBasicCluster: Tuya check-in 0001 (40)
dev:402023-06-13 06:35:40.119 PMdebugTest dimmer parse: received descMap: [raw:B7270100000A01002040, dni:B727, endpoint:01, cluster:0000, size:0A, attrId:0001, encoding:20, command:01, value:40, clusterInt:0, attrInt:1]
dev:402023-06-13 06:35:40.116 PMtraceTest dimmer parse: received raw description: read attr - raw: B7270100000A01002040, dni: B727, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0000, size: 0A, attrId: 0001, encoding: 20, command: 01, value: 40
dev:402023-06-13 06:35:40.026 PMinfoTest dimmer ping...
dev:402023-06-13 06:35:01.156 PMinfoTest dimmer set level 100 %
dev:402023-06-13 06:35:01.154 PMdebugTest dimmer onSwitchLevel: Value=255 level=100 (value=255)
dev:402023-06-13 06:35:01.153 PMdebugTest dimmer valueToLevel: raw value:255 reScaled=100 (isParent=true, isTS0601=false)
dev:402023-06-13 06:35:01.149 PMdebugTest dimmer parse: Tuya/Girier/OEM: child.onSwitchLevel value=255 child=Test dimmer
dev:402023-06-13 06:35:01.146 PMdebugTest dimmer parse: switch level cluster 0x0008 endpoint 01 command 01 attrId 0000 value raw 255)
dev:402023-06-13 06:35:01.132 PMdebugTest dimmer parse: received descMap: [raw:B7270100080A000020FF, dni:B727, endpoint:01, cluster:0008, size:0A, attrId:0000, encoding:20, command:01, value:FF, clusterInt:8, attrInt:0]
dev:402023-06-13 06:35:01.129 PMtraceTest dimmer parse: received raw description: read attr - raw: B7270100080A000020FF, dni: B727, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0008, size: 0A, attrId: 0000, encoding: 20, command: 01, value: FF
dev:402023-06-13 06:35:01.050 PMdebugTest dimmer parse: IGNORING command Response for cluster 6 command 01 attribute null
dev:402023-06-13 06:35:01.048 PMtraceTest dimmer parse: on/off cluster 0x0006 command 01 attribute 0000 value 0
dev:402023-06-13 06:35:01.027 PMdebugTest dimmer parse: received descMap: [raw:B7270100060A00001000, dni:B727, endpoint:01, cluster:0006, size:0A, attrId:0000, encoding:10, command:01, value:00, clusterInt:6, attrInt:0]
dev:402023-06-13 06:35:01.024 PMtraceTest dimmer parse: received raw description: read attr - raw: B7270100060A00001000, dni: B727, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0006, size: 0A, attrId: 0000, encoding: 10, command: 01, value: 00

any idea of what can i do to make it work ?

Thankkossev!! :slight_smile:

The driver is not ready to work properly with your device yet (and some other models also), I am still working on it.

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I have added it to the "TS110E_DIMMER" group, but I am totally confised which is the right one - I see the same model and manufacturer sold as Girier and Lonsonho ...

First, update the driver to the dev. branch version "0.5.1" .
Next, delete the device (REMOVE DEVICE red button) and pair it again to your hub.

Please try to change the Device Profile for ths 2-gang dimmer manually and let me know which one will work (if any).

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I will try it today and will send logs!


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@Sjoerd can you try the latest version? Are there still any problems with your device _TZ3210_4ubylghk ?

Hi @kkossev

My impession is that it completely works for gang 1, setting levels, on/off and health status work. But how do I create gang 2 without the initialize button?

Thanks for the good work!

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For the moment you will need to delete the device (REMOVE DEVICE red button) and pair it again.... but you will lose your automation this way and will have to recreate them again. If recreation will be too much work - wait for the next version after some days.

Can you test also minLevel / maxLevel settings for your device? If the bulbs start glowing at 11% level as an example, set minLevel to 10. This way, the minimum level 1 from the automations will be scaled to device level 11 ( will skip the 'dead zone' 1..10). Similar for the maxLevel - if the difference between 80% and 100% level is not noticable, set the maxLevel to 80. This way you extend the 'dynamic range' of the dimmer.

Hi @kkossev

It is still not creating child devices. Just the parent controlling gang 1.

Min level is 27 and max 100 as it was before for the gang 1 bulbs.

Did you remove it and pair as a new device?
Can you check the past logs (starting from the pairing)?

@kkossev yes I did. Not sure if this is the comple log. Have to do it from pc later



dev:3192023-06-15 20:48:17.212infoTuya Dimmer updating settings for the parent device ...

dev:3192023-06-15 20:48:17.210debugTuya Dimmer updated parent->child

dev:3192023-06-15 20:48:17.208infoTuya Dimmer press F5 to refresh the page

dev:3192023-06-15 20:48:17.206warnTuya Dimmer changing the device profile from null to TS110E_LONSONHO_DIMMER

dev:3192023-06-15 20:48:17.204debugTuya Dimmer state.deviceProfile=null, settings.forcedProfile=TS110E Lonsonho Dimmers, getProfileKey()=TS110E_LONSONHO_DIMMER

dev:3192023-06-15 20:48:17.164infoscheduling health check every 10 minutes

dev:3192023-06-15 20:48:17.155debugTuya Dimmer updated() ... model=TS110E manufacturer=_TZ3210_4ubylghk destinationEP=UNKNOWN deviceProfile=UNKNOWN

dev:3192023-06-15 20:48:04.801infoTuya Dimmer updating settings for the parent device ...

dev:3192023-06-15 20:48:04.799debugTuya Dimmer updated parent->child

dev:3192023-06-15 20:48:04.798debugTuya Dimmer forcedProfile is not set

dev:3192023-06-15 20:48:04.795debugTuya Dimmer Tuya Dimmer updating the settings from the current driver version null to the new version 0.5.1 2023/06/15 8:14 PM

dev:3192023-06-15 20:48:04.786debugTuya Dimmer updated() ... model=TS110E manufacturer=_TZ3210_4ubylghk destinationEP=UNKNOWN deviceProfile=UNKNOWN

dev:3192023-06-15 20:46:26.378infofingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0004,0005,0006,0008,0300,EF00,0000", outClusters:"0019,000A", model:"TS110E", manufacturer:"_TZ3210_4ubylghk"

dev:3192023-06-15 20:46:26.332traceZCL version:03

dev:3192023-06-15 20:46:26.330traceSoftware Build Id:unknown

dev:3192023-06-15 20:46:26.329traceModel:TS110E

dev:3192023-06-15 20:46:26.327traceManufacturer:_TZ3210_4ubylghk

dev:3192023-06-15 20:46:26.269debuggetting info for unknown Zigbee device...

dev:3192023-06-15 20:46:19.419infoZigbee parsed:[raw:29120200080A00F021E803, dni:2912, endpoint:02, cluster:0008, size:0A, attrId:F000, encoding:21, command:0A, value:03E8, clusterInt:8, attrInt:61440]

dev:3192023-06-15 20:46:19.219infoZigbee parsed:[raw:29120200080A03FC210A00, dni:2912, endpoint:02, cluster:0008, size:0A, attrId:FC03, encoding:21, command:0A, value:000A, clusterInt:8, attrInt:64515]

dev:3192023-06-15 20:46:19.020infoZigbee parsed:[raw:29120200060800001001, dni:2912, endpoint:02, cluster:0006, size:08, attrId:0000, encoding:10, command:0A, value:01, clusterInt:6, attrInt:0]

dev:3192023-06-15 20:46:18.817infoZigbee parsed:[raw:29120200060C014022000000, dni:2912, endpoint:02, cluster:0006, size:0C, attrId:4001, encoding:22, command:0A, value:000000, clusterInt:6, attrInt:16385]

dev:3192023-06-15 20:46:18.616infoZigbee parsed:[raw:29120100080A00F021E803, dni:2912, endpoint:01, cluster:0008, size:0A, attrId:F000, encoding:21, command:0A, value:03E8, clusterInt:8, attrInt:61440]

dev:3192023-06-15 20:46:18.415infoZigbee parsed:[raw:29120100080A03FC210A00, dni:2912, endpoint:01, cluster:0008, size:0A, attrId:FC03, encoding:21, command:0A, value:000A, clusterInt:8, attrInt:64515]

dev:3192023-06-15 20:46:18.214infoZigbee parsed:[raw:29120100060800001001, dni:2912, endpoint:01, cluster:0006, size:08, attrId:0000, encoding:10, command:0A, value:01, clusterInt:6, attrInt:0]

dev:3192023-06-15 20:46:18.023infoZigbee parsed:[raw:29120100060C014022000000, dni:2912, endpoint:01, cluster:0006, size:0C, attrId:4001, encoding:22, command:0A, value:000000, clusterInt:6, attrInt:16385]

dev:3192023-06-15 20:46:16.147debuggetting device info in 10 seconds...

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The fingerprint was wrong.. I will have to add a 'Get Info' command in all my drivers, this is often the reason why the devices are not recognized correctly.

Update to the new version timestamp 2023/06/15 10:05 PM and REMOVE DEVICE and pair it again.

NOTE: this time the Tuya Dimmer driver must be selected automatically, when paired as a new device!

Yes it works correctly now! Well done!

Gang 1: min 27 max 100 gang 2: min 50 max 100.
I think because of different characteristics of the bulbs
Also, but this was already from the start. When I turn on gang 1 gang 2 gets brighter. Before I created an automation to correct this. Vice versa this does not happen

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Is there a neutral wire connected to this dimmer?

No its a dimmer version without a neutral. In the netherlands standard is without neutral wires

Unfortunately, here we also don't have neutrals in the switches boxes.. : (
And yes, without a neutral the two gangs levels interfere; this is a known side effect that is difficult to be handled without a neutral.