[DRIVER] Ring Alarm Keypad G2 Community Driver - Continued

Thank you , 11, 12, 13 works. I have found out that the name actually contains fire, police, medical. Now the siren doesn't work, no sound , just light. It worked before, I guess I must have changed something. The keyboard is not fully functional when it was sitting for long time, I figured if I issue a Keypad reset it will resume functioning. Thanks for your help

This is going to be an odd request.
I have the Ring Keypad G2 community driver in use, but it has been modified over the years so I do not want to replace it with a new version. There is a "bug" that I would like to fix. When the command siren -> off is sent to the keypad via this driver, the keypad will announce "disarmed". I would like for the command to turn the siren off if it is active (which works properly now) but not say "disarmed". Any way I can easily modify this driver to do this?

If anyone is wondering why, I have a command setup so that any time HSM is disarmed (by entering the pin on one of my tablets) it also sends commands of siren stop (via rule machine) to stop any sirens that may be going off. For example, if we have a smoke alarm going off which would cause all our sirens to go off, this method works to stop the alarm.

Perhaps setting the volume announcement to zero would silence it.

Hey I got this 99% working but the Arm Away Arm Night and Arm Home buttons don't do anything other than add an event of "armingin 5" in my event log. I can use the keypad itself with no issue but can't seem to arm it using the buttons in the device in Hubitat.

Any suggestions?

So the current Gen 2 keypads just flat out don't work on Hubitat it seems. I have 2 of them and I can get them to marginally work for a couple days but they just go dumb and stop working. I picked up a Gen 1 keypad and its rocking it non stop.

has there been any progress in making the driver for the Gen2 keypad (the current firmware/shipping version) work?

For anyone browsing the internet who is still having trouble pairing this thing, the problem for me was 100% the motion sensor. I was able to get them to pair, but like a lot of posts I saw the keypad would receive HSM events but didn't seem to want to send anything to the Hubitat. My process for pairing was:

  1. Remove from ZWave network by excluding on hub, and unplugging and pushing reset button on back of keypad once.
  2. Factory Reset Keypad (Hold reset button on back of keypad for ten seconds until blinking wireless icon turns red)
  3. Face keypad down on table to prevent any triggering of the motion sensor.
  4. If you haven't already, install the community driver as referenced in this thread
  5. Add keypad back to Zwave network using SmartStart, all default settings
    a. If you're unfamiliar with SmartStart, its exclusive to the app(not the web GUI). A quick Google Search should get you up to speed on how to use it.
  6. Once paired(The keypad will announce "Disarmed" once the pairing is complete), immediately swap over to the community driver.
  7. Disable the motion sensor, click save and then hit configure. The keypad should again announce "Disarmed"
  8. Configure your keypad as you want, from here you should be able to move the device to its permanent location and it should work as intended.

It was step 3 that really got things working for me. I highly recommend making sure that the motion detector doesn't go off until you can get it disabled in step 7. Hope this helps someone in the future!

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What worked for me:

I was able to get my G2 mostly working with the information in this thread, but the delayed away arming counts down on the keypad, briefly sets HSM to armed, but then appears to retrigger HSM which causes the delay to happen again doubling the delay. Any pointers how to fix this? Much appreciated, I'm completely new to Hubitat!


Generally occurs when both the keypad and HSM are try to do the delay. Keypad will go through its delay and then notify HSM which will then delay again.

@thebearmay This community driver seems to track with the HSM delay settings keeping me from being able to get rid of the double delay. Unless I am missing something super ovbious.

My goal is to have my lock immediately lock at the end of the away arming delay.


If you eliminate the HSM delay, does the driver still retain its settings?

@thebearmay when I zero out the "Delay arming Armed-Away by this many seconds" in the "Use delays for arming" section of HSM the keypad instantly arms and does not do the countdown with the red bar. When I set the value to 30 seconds the keypad counts down correctly when arming, HSM goes instantly armed away after the keypad finishes going to away status, and then after that HSM goes through a delayed arming countdown, and finally HSM settles on armed away

It's almost like the HSM countdown delay is happening out of order after the keypad is at the finish line in its final away state.

FWIW, there are some interesting support threads on Ring forums about keypad performance, either not responding to input, delayed response, or multiple keypads not staying in sync. So its not just us. Seems like this new keypad firmware is possibly to combat that. Makes me think that Zwave repeaters could influence performance?

Just ordered 4 of these V2s on Groupon for super cheap, so I am crossing my fingers that they have the old firmware. Would be cool if we could figure out how to roll back firmware, or maybe write the driver to handle the keypad optimally based on firmware version..

Open to ideas, because I really like these V2 keypads!


Hi everybody!

My setup has:

  • Hubitat C-7 FW
  • Ring Keypad v2, firmwareVersion: 2.0, hardwareVersion: 4
  • Keypad reports inClusters, S2: 4, secureInClusters and zwaveSecurePairingComplete: true
  • Runninc RIng Keypad v2 Community driver version 1.2.11
  • Keypad proximity sensor is disabled

My goal is to use Keypad partial arm button to arm HSM night state, but:

  • If I enable "Apps - HSM - Configure Arming/Disarming/Cancel Options - On keypad use Partial button to arm night", the partial button does nothing from that point
  • I I enable "Device - Keypad - Preferences - Home Button Action - Arm night", the partial button does nothing from that point

Is there anybody out there that has accomplished doing this? if so, could you please share your recipe for success? Thanks!

Just got started with hubitat elevation and I'm trying to setup the Ring Keypad Gen 2. I take it is a bad idea to connect it to a real Ring hub first to get the latest firmware, then unpair / factory reset it, then connect it to the hubitat?

I used the G2 keypad and community drivers for over a year. Even after carefully fixing nearly all the bugs, my Ring keypad would lose z-wave connectivity to the hubitat on average twice a month. This becomes infuriating when you cannot disarm your alarm in time because the keypad is dead. It would randomly reconnect and be good to go again for weeks. I could never figure out what the cause was, except that no z-wave devices have ever been fully reliable for me on either a hubitat C7 or now a C8 Pro. I replaced the keypad with a Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 tablet on wifi (with fully kiosk browser) and it works flawlessly.