Doorbell sensors $1

Thank you all for posting about this...mine just arrived and is working great. Anyone else seeing battery %? Not showing up on mine for some reason.

@tony3286 , mine is sending push notifications just fine using the built in Notifications app...

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Could have sworn I created the same notification but thinking back I could have skipped button number.

As far as reporting battery %, I to dont see it either, In fact, I took the battery out to test it and it was fine

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Battery is not reporting on mine either.

I'm also getting this error in the log, anyone else seeing this.

2019-11-21 09:10:49.294 pm [error] groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: user_driver_darwinsden_SAGE_Doorbell_Sensor_794.button1DisplayReset() is applicable for argument types: () values: [] on line 209 (refresh)


Try the driver I posted and you won't see that error. The device always report 0 for battery unfortunately.

Can you create a link to your driver. I haven't been able to locate it. I've been using the code Hal9000 pointed me to in this conversation and have received no error codes. Everything has worked perfectly. Much appreciated!

I did not even know that this type of device existed or I would have gotten one earlier. I have one on order now and will install it once it arrives. Thank you for posting this.

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Post the code fix to the original GitHub link.

Can you post your fix to the GitHub original link?

Got mine. It's awesome.

I changed up the driver that is floating around to include parameters to store custom names for each contact. This is convenient for logging purposes. Other than that, it's not changed

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Any possibility of getting battery level to show?

I don;t know enough about driver code yet, but when I do, I'll be fixing this.

Mine arrived. Other than initially not having the wiring diagram for my doorbell which made connecting it difficult, it was easy to connect. Now that I have it wired correctly, it works great. I started with a custom rule, but switched to the notifications app. Response is very fast while I am at home. I am not sure how fast it will be if I am away though.

I don't know if that it is possible... :thinking: Nobody on SmartThings ever got the battery reporting to work. And when I took a quick look at tweaking the driver here on Hubitat a few weeks back, I noted that the device is always sending a value of 0 for battery level.

It is possible that someone could figure out a Zigbee configuration parameter to send to the device to get its battery reporting to work properly. I just don't have those Zigbee guru skills.

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Thanks for checking about battery readings. No problem. Working great. What a deal at $4.95 including shipping. I'm using pushover for notifications and working great away from home letting me know someone rang my doorbell.

Trying to get a batch of these for a few ideas I am working. Has anyone actually opened them up and used them for values other than the 10-24vac? I did not find mention of that. Plus, before mine arrive, does anyone have a handy picture of the inside of one?

Hope this helps -ALSO if you find a way to report battery status it would be much appreciated

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Thanks. It shows it has plenty of space inside for modification and the sensor cables are on a connector not soldered, which will make it easier. I will have to look closer at the whole thing and do a bunch of testing with different voltages... Which is why I bought a bunch. :slight_smile:

If I figure out anything with the battery I will let you know. Has anyone tried putting a nearly dead, but not dead, battery in one? I have stumbled across a couple devices that only give a "battery low" notice. This sounds like the case here if it always reports 0. Low might be a 1. Just a guess.

Unfortunately, the driver for sage doorbell from Hubitat doesn't have any type of battery status designation unless, like you stated, it only shows when nearly dead. Will just have to wait and see. Good luck on your project! Glad to have helped.

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Got my sensors today and paired one without any problems. Already messed with it a bit to try it out with my own driver (so I can mess with it and check ALL the data it reports). Have to see how things go over some time (I do not have an AC power supply handy at the moment).

Started tracing where the wires actually go to and the likely optocoupler (have not been able to identify the chips directly). If it turns out to be as simple as wiring a wire into the "output" from there and bypassing the AC portion this may not be so bad.

The back side of the board is where the real "smarts" are. This uses an Atmel M2564RFR2. Pretty common for such purposes...

As for the battery... I am betting it does not report it. The Quick Start Guide does not mention it, plus when I looked at the Echostar troubleshooting for the device it mentions using a battery tester to make sure the battery is good. I think the battery report is just an artifact of what it has been configured for. It seems a lot of ZigBee drivers leave in battery and temperature reporting because almost every sample driver includes them... But I will keep my eyes open for it.

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