Door not unlocking when arriving home

My recommendation is that you first solve for the best presence-sensing solution that works for you - it sounds like you still have L360 in the mix as well as the HE app geofence. If L360 is still working for you, that's great, but I'd get a backup plan ready.

Part of that solution is setting up a virtual presence device that's tied to your desired presence solution - that device can then be leveraged in a dashboard for easy reference and used in rules related to arrivals/departures. You do not need HE's (extra) Remote Admin feature to do any of that.

Right now, it sounds like your virtual presence device is still tied to L360 -- that's fine if that's what works, but if you go a different direction from L360, that needs to be addressed.

Worry about the lock rule last -- thinking about that is just wasted time until you get a working presence-sensing solution nailed down.


Thanks. I actually just added life360 back in the mix last night around midnight as a backup. Was hoping if one didn’t work the other would. I would prefer to do away with life360 all together and just use the built in through the app. It still wont detect i am home. I think i have to log out and back in, then it will detect i have arrived. I set a 1 min refresh in RM for life360 right now so it refreshes every min 24 hours per day. This doesn’t seem like a good solution though. Any idea why the built in wont work correctly? It shows i am home under the geofencing, but i have to log out and back in for the presence to change

I didn’t log out, but i did have to toggle geofencing off and back on. When i did the door unlocked and the presence changed to present

I may have missed this somewhere above, but did you try the [UPDATED] iPhone WiFi Presence Sensor app? It works fairly well in my opinion. This plus the [RELEASE] Combined Presence app suggested above work well to determine presence.

I don’t think i have tried that yet. I will look into it. Just a update, i left for an hour and came back. While i was gone both the builtin app sensor and the life360 sensor showed i was not present. I had the dashboard open and as i drove down the street to my house one turned green. I was expecting it to be the life360 one since that is supposed to be refreshing every min. Nope it was the built in one from the app. The door finally unlocked correctly. Maybe turning off geofencing then turning it back on worked? That is the only thing different this time from last time i came home

I still have not gotten this to work. I bought a homepod, and tried following the tutorials on here but have not been able to follow any of them. Looks like some things have changed and some options are not there. I made the automations in apple shortcuts but it does nothing when i test it. I have been working on this for about 3 hours today and am so pissed off right now i am about to just leave the house unlocked 24/7 and say screw it. Not like someone can’t just break the glass right beside my door and unlock it if they are gonna break inside