Door lock and light issues

My general advice for whatever it is worth.

  • Find a way to move the Hubitat. It is in a corner, and maybe too close to the wifi router. Ideally, it would be on the main floor and not the basement, but centrally located would surely help if it hast to be in the basement.
  • Move the Zwave range extender. Same floor it is currently is on is probably fine. It likely is getting very little no signal to repeat way across the house. And even if it does get signal, it is repeating more outside your house than inside.
  • You may need a new (additional) Zigbee repeater also close to the hub and center of the house. You have lots of bulbs that tend to not repeat well, and no other repeaters.



In addition to what @neonturbo said, as an FYI, the ecolinks don't repeat and AFAIK the first alerts do not repeat either.

thanks. I am not sure I can move the hub. I guess I can go buy some cat6 and run it back to the router. it will need to stay in the basement though. the other thing. my mistake I forgot I moved the range extender on the first floor. it is all the way on the left side now. I will move it more center though, but keep it on that side. I can buy some more repeaters. wold be nice if they were wall switches or bulbs. just tell me what to buy lol.

By the way, do you know about the "secret" Zigbee routing menu at http://[your hub IP]/hub/zigbee/getChildAndRouteInfo

It may give some insight as to how your Zigbee devices are routed, and their signal strength.

There is also the Zigbee Logging menu in Settings, Zigbee Details. This is a live log, so it may take a while to populate.

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No I did not know that thanks!

My door does not show up in that list, but my 6 lights and 1 plugin does.

under the live log, is the "-number" the signal strength? higher is worse signal and lower is better?

Never mind I found that info.
Here is the door.
Front Door2020-05-29 13:56:42.608 profileId:0x104, clusterId:0x101, sourceEndpoint:2, destinationEndpoint:1 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:238, lastHopRssi:-84

here is the outside light that has failed to turn off.
Outside 12020-05-29 13:57:21.768 profileId:0x104, clusterId:0x6, sourceEndpoint:1, destinationEndpoint:1 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:240, lastHopRssi:-77

here is a light 10 feet from the hub.
Basement computer2020-05-29 13:57:48.406 profileId:0x104, clusterId:0x8, sourceEndpoint:3, destinationEndpoint:1 , groupId:0, lastHopLqi:255, lastHopRssi:-58

Do zigbee repeater plugs have to be turned on or just plugged in to repeat the signal?

On/Off doesn't matter.

ok thanks.

The closer that lastHopLqi is to 255, the better. The closer lastHopRssi is to 0, the better. So of those three,

The lightbulb that is 10 ft from the hub is only really good one. Here's a snapshot from one of my Hubitat zigbee networks.

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They do need to be paired to the Hub, though.

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I figured that, but thanks for bringing it up as I could have over looked it....


You're probably aware of these, but just in case you aren't ...

ok so it looks like my front door is going through my GE light outside.

status:Active, age:32, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Front Door, 71C1] via [Outside 2, 6A2B]

and my other outside light is going through one of the GE basement lights.
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Outside 1, 8F89] via [Basement toys, 8116]

Some devices don't show in the Child and Routes, so that is normal.

None of those look completely unusable far as signal strength, or at the very least, I have seen worse. You can see the front door and outside is weaker than basement computer. The Front Door could definitely be better though, and something to try to improve. Most everything in my house is at or near 255 LQI, and closer to -60 average for RSSI. My worst are -73 and best are -48 for RSSI, and my worst LQI is 248.

A long ethernet cable is cheap, and would allow you to move the hub without trying more expensive devices and repeaters. But more devices are fun, and addicting, so be sure to buy lots more!

That is how I read it too.

And...those bulbs are poor Zigbee HA1.2 repeaters... :wink:

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I ordered 2 more zigbee repeating plugins. I ordered a networking cable that will allow me to move my hub closer to the center of the basement. I will see if this helps. thanks

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so are poor repeaters better than no repeaters? I can pull 4 of the bulbs now and put some z-wave bulbs in their place. I hate to pull the basement ones though as they all work perfectly. and I only have 4 z wave bulbs I can put in and would be taking out 6. I can buy more bulbs, but am I gaining anything by removing those 4 and leaving 2 in place?

They are worse than no repeaters.


No. In fact, poor repeaters simply lead to an unstable mesh network. Ask @april.brandt about how much fun she had with Zigbee bulbs trying to act as repeaters...

This is why I advise only Sengled zigbee bulbs be directly paired to the Hubitat hub. There may be a few other brands/models that work alright...but with the Sengled bulbs you are guaranteed that they will not negatively screw up the mesh, since they're designed to NOT be repeaters.

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