Door lock and light issues

Ca you repeat this by trying it from the device page?

Are your automations sending multiple commands at once? For example, lights and locks? Could too much be happening at the same time?

Edit: I see @aaiyar is on the same track.

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Yes. Wanted to add - could be an inconsistency in the automation trigger being detected.

@aaiyar @gavincampbell. yes I am doing more than one thing with the automations. maybe that is the problem. I will post some screen shots. Let me also try the locking and unlocking from the device page and post screen shots of that. give me a few mins to get this info.

I had a lot of stability issues whenever I had GE zigbee bulbs on my network. To resolve this I ended up putting them on their own dedicated hub. You might want to try removing them and see if that helps your lock issue.


Also - turn on logging for your automations. That will really help debug this stuff.

I think I have them all turned on.

Recommend posting the logs from when an automation doesn't work.

Ok So I had an interesting experience trying to lock and unlock the door repeatedly using the device page. the 1st unlock and lock command worked instantly. I probably have never tried to do multiple commands back to back before. the next ones did not work so well.

I also should note there were a lot of attempts after the first unlock and lock commands that never did work. so I got 4 to show but I tried probably 8 or 10 more that did nothing.

I looked through my logs and since my original presence detection was working and trying to unlock the door, I removed all other automatons and duplicates I made using the presence governor ect... the only 2 things I have right now are if the front door is unlocked after sunset, turn on kitchen light switch.
these are the only things that would be running.

here is the log from my arrive home.


it looks like it ran, but the door was never unlocked.

Both of these combined indicate the issue is a communication issue (i.e. insufficiently robust mesh).


here is the front door log.

Yes I am starting to agree with you now. I didn't before because it always worked when I tried it, but I never tried it multiple times back to back


So if it is the network, I don't care if the lock is Zigbee or Z-wave. I can use either one now. What do I need to purchase to get it working. these Z-wave extenders didn't help. I have no outlet closer than 10 feet from the door, except one outside. I can swap the 2 outside GE lights with some of the Zwave lights I was recommended to buy. I have a 4 pack. I am open to changing wall switches. there are 2 close to the door. one goes to control the outside lights which is currently has the 2 smart bulbs. this switch is always on, and really needs to stay always on. I have a camera plugged into the light socket outside. turning the switch off would turn the camera off. the other switch beside the door is a 3 way switch for the hall way/ entry way lights. then there is a switch going to the 2nd floor that is about 5 feet from the door. it is a 3 way switch the turns on and off the light at the top of the stairs. I will replace any or all of these if it means getting this door to work.

since I have a lot more Z-wave devices maybe I should switch the lock back to Z-wave. then I would not have to worry about interference from those zigbee bulbs.

Please don't start buying stuff before you read this thread:

I think what @davidcwright59 did was really smart. And applies to both zigbee and z-wave. I wish I had thought like him while designing my mesh.

looks like a good Idea. according to how that is laid out though mine shouldn't be week at the door. I will post a sketch of mine shortly.

When you do that, also list what the repeaters are (model #)

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Ok here is a quick look at a map of my layout. I did not do rooms or circles on this pass. I did make the basement items blue the 1st floor green and the 2nd floor red. the scale of each section is approximately 10' vertical by 10' horizontal.

and here it is with 20ft circles all over it with the center being the approx location. I left them off the other view because it clutters it up.