Does Pushover app save a history of notifications it received?
I want my custom sensor notifications history to be available remotely even when the hub goes offline. SMS are limited to 10/day and not suitable for that. The Dashboard is down when the hub is down. Nothing is saved to the cloud. Will Pushover help?
Yes. Pushover does keep a history of pushes that are sent to it. There are also other methods of capturing that data as well (using NodeRed (or nodejs) and some other methods).
Thanks. I appreciate the write-up.
While I am a technical person, for my smart home I want out of the box solutions, or workarounds that I can set up in 15-30 min or less with no coding and no complex tasks.
Running everything locally is a great concept, but there are some exceptions that required the cloud. Events history is one of them. I want it be available when I'm remote regardless of whether the hub is up or down. This is essential for the monitoring needs.
I wish Hubitat added that cloud functionality, but it's not there now. SMS notifications are an easy workaround, but the 10/day limit is a no-go. I'm hoping Pushover could help, but I'm not sure. I don't really want to be bothered on every sensor open/close alert. I want them to be quietly collected and be available anytime I need to review them (with SMS, you can set up a separate Google Voice number for that). Audible/vibration notifications are only necessary for intrusion alerts and maybe a few critical senor events that I designate. Can Pushover be the answer?
This is not about frequent hub outages. It's about emergency situations, but it's the whole point of reliable security and monitoring to address those. The bottomline is that I want to know how to get this functionality with Hubitat. The motivation is probably the subject of a different topic and another debate.
I'm not sure what an emergency situation might be for you. That events are available in the cloud dashboard, is one way to see events. Pushover is another. You can certainly set up a wireless modem to send text messages based on some app on HE or external to HE.
Again, the functionality I am asking about is viewing the past event history while the hub is down. Again, the dashboard is NOT applicable for this. Workarounds are required. That would be either SMS or Pushover, the latter being the topic of this post.
Cellular router is yet another topic which is outside of this discussion. I will only say that I am indeed pursuing a full security and monitoring setup with cellular router, UPS backups, and addressing scenarios of hub smash by intruder, or mobile phone offline at the time of the intrusion, and some others. Currently, Hubitat falls short on those scenarios, but again, I don't want to clutter this topic with a broader discussion.
I only have experience with SmartThings and Hubitat and I would suggest that if you want what I have copied above, neither of these will give this. To do the above in a very reliable and secure manner I think you need to be going down a different road.
Just my observations of what has been said and I may have missed the mark.
However things turn out, I hope you can find a way to achieve what you are after.
Sadly you could be right. I'm an IRIS user (IRIS had all that), and I'm trying Hubitat now. Hubitat does not save anything in the cloud and suffers from security shortcomings because of that. I plan a separate topic of discussion on all that.
How is that a security shortcoming? If anything, it's a security plus in my book. The less data that leaves my home and ends up on some cloud server with some company data mining it doing so, the better in my opinion.
I am guessing he wants offsite storage of home security events. This way, even if his hub was stolen, he’d have the history.
Personally. If home security is the #1 use case/priority, a dedicated home security system with professional monitoring is the best solution. Iris focused on home security, more so than pretty much any other home automation system that I am aware of. Every other system is more focused on home automation and control.
Couldn't agree more. Yes, I have security built into my Hubitat infrastructure as well but it's not the primary focus. I'm also aware of the limitations and accepted them. HE can't do system is perfect.