DIY- Battery Backup Hubitat- under TEN bucks-NO soldering

Howdy, It doesn't and even if it did, the Hubitat would need special drivers or something to utilise it.

That said, I'd recommend following my Guide to shutdown gracefully:

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Ok, All the PCB's and Parts to build 20 units have been ordered. It'll prolly take up to 20 days to get the PCB's and Stencil, however, all the other parts should have arrived by then.

My Original estimate was spot on so what I'll do is list the UPS on my Tindie Store @ $49.95 USD and post a 15% Discount code to bring the price down to ~ $42 USD for Hubitat forum members.


With the hand-delivery and install I heard you promised, that's quite a deal! Don't worry, I'll have some Budweiser on hand so you can sample rare American beer... :wink:

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Yuuuck, that stuff is as bad as Fosters, if not worse! I'll have some nice 8% craft beer thanks mate!

(The beers I sampled in Santa Barbara in 2019 were amazing!)

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I agree :slight_smile: In this design the MosFet is so overkill that nearly any device that fit in the footprint would work.


Doesn’t hurt that it’s cheaper either :rofl:

That footprint is an interesting one tho, seems unique to Vishay.

Another option is to have something like a Ring V2 extender on the same circuit. That way if power goes, the Ring V2 extender to battery for x amount of time, you can have the hub shut down gracefully.

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Agreed, anything that can provide grid up or down status and can be used by Hubitat will work.

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Too bad you couldn't build in some kind of zigbee chip that would show power to battery.... Now that would be cool..

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It would indeed, unfortunately I know nothing about how Zigbee works. Interesting idea tho. :thinking:

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Maybe incorporate @iharyadi's arrival sensor chip in it. I mean it has all the prerequisite triggers. Wouldn't need an external antenna. Again, I'm talking out of my butt because I don't know what would go into the engineering. I know it raises the price, but overall it wouldn't be limited to just HE, but any trigger-able hub.

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I’ll take a look, however the PCB’s have already been ordered so it’ll need to be a future revision.

Tbh as long as it presents as a simple binary state it would work. Eg on/off or present/not present.

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Well if you do it, put me down for the advanced one too


It does...

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I just posted this. See this link if interested.FOR SALE - Mini UPS for Hubitat

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@dJOS if you do add something that can detect the stat i will get another.

I look at this as a nice universal battery for not just hubitat, but any other small gadget I have. Heck if they put out enough power i can also use these as backups for my google wifi as well.

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First batch of parts just arrived.


I can't believe I'm this far into this and just now asking. What are the main features or benefits of this over one of the basic units?

compactness first of all.

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Honestly for me it is about knowing someone here vetted it and is assembling it.

I have been looking at this thread on and off for over a year and just haven't jumped on the items mainly because it felt hit or miss with the stuff mentioned early on in this thread. Here it was vetted by several folks just gives me allot more confidence.