Disaster averted with help from the community when moving from C-7 to C-8

Your Hub Protect subscription WILL NOT Transfer.

Remote Admin is once for ALL hubs you own.

Once you are satisfied with your C-8 you can contact Hubitat (during the week) and they will discuss migrating your subscription. But you don't need that for the next 24 hours.


This thing is all over the place it's like throwing darts blind folded. lol How do I get my Hub Protect to move to the new hub?

Again, perhaps for the third time, Hub Protect is NOT Transferable.

Ok?? NOT Transferable. It says so during purchase. It is Hub Specific.

Hubitat quite often mentions that they have done a transfer for this person or that. Explore that after you have a functioning C-8


Ok got it

Reminder... if you are going to go the Migration path, you MUST power down the C-7. Migration makes the C-8 use the same ZWave and Zigbee network IDs and thus you do NOT want a duplicate. To reiterate, you must power off the C-7 because the Z-radios are alive anytime power is applied.


The subscriptions are bound to a hub ID, so they will not "come over". Like @csteele said, let's make sure your migration is successful and everything is working, first, then we will tackle the subscriptions.


You can take the blindfold off, now, and check out the following document, if you decide to go the migration route. It has straight forward steps so that you can throw one dart at the time and hopefully hit the bullseye every time:


I got it to migrate. Some things are a little out of line, but I'm working on it. The hub is back up and running.
Yes the C-7 is removed and sitting on desk and C-8 is in it's place. I never had the C-7 plugged in.

After I get some things Ironed out I need to find out why it I was getting strange DNS lookups, but that's for a later time.

Thank You everyone for all the help. I've got almost 100 devices on this unit so I need to run around and test things, plus all the extra's I have attached to it. Alexa, Harmony, Etc.


Hopefully it hasn't been a complete disaster... :wink:


Wow. Just wow.


I'll get with Hubitat about the subscription. If they don't transfer it I'll just cancel it. Not sure if I really need it if it's a hassle to transfer. I have about 6 months left on the other one. Doesn't seem fair we can't transfer, but it is what it is.

Disaster? lol Well something was way off. I should of been able to just unplug my C-7 and install the C-8 and static it to the C-7 address then migrate. I found no issues with my DNS except for the hub holding some weird DNS makes no sense, but something I'll look into later.

I still don't like we can't control our subscriptions or now as I learned we can't transfer them. I should be able to transfer it to my new hub and delete my old hub. Just my option.

Again Thank You everyone that helped wish I had the answers to what happened.

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It's easy to panic when you have 100+ devices and something doesn't go the way you expect it to go. Thankfully, this awesome community stepped up once again to turn a seemingly disastrous experience into a success. Kudos to all of you who helped out. :clap:


Perspective is important, but, equally, capturing the experience is also important, and hopefully there can be some learnings for future hub migrations and how to handle this, including educating users on what to expect.


Thanks for your feedback. This is something that may change in the future, but for now, check out this post:


Yes the Community stepped up and helped. I did panic because I have a lot of custom configs on this hub that a lot of community members help me get going over the years and most likely those who help write and get them working are no longer on here. So it would of been a nightmare. Reality is we depend too much on technology. Most of my house is fully automatic as in I don't touch much of anything. This is why I switched to Hubitat I was on smartthings and when the internet went down so did my house. lol Now everything functions with no internet also the problem was WebCore most everything I had was in there had several people on the board help convert those over.

Again Thanks to Everyone. The community here has always been strong I've gotten a lot of help here and made a few friends.


Kudos for the change in title....




Just another caution: because of the way the migration works, you may need to adjust some endpoints due to the Hub ID change if you have user-contributed cloud integrations. The various migration threads have details. Please stop back in the community if you run into this issue and we will try to assist.


Do you, by any chance have a Firewalla secure gateway or some other firewall that quarantines new network clients? I get all kinds of weird behavior like this when my Firewalla has the quarantine feature enabled.