Differences Between C-5 and C-7?

I am my router built in DHCP server is crap. Any ideas what else could be my DHCP server?

Do you have anything that will run DNSmasq? Like an RPi, or NAS, or anything else? Makes a great DNS/DHCP server.

I have a RPi that is powered of the same back up as the router and is only there to remote into my network with TeamViewer. Would that do?

Do a ipconfig /all from a windows machine.

You will see it.

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Definitely. It doesn't take much by way of processing power at all.


If you don't want to change out the dumb modem (I know it is a hassle) and if it is possible to tell the dumb modem to not hand out IP addresses at all then you could use any other cheap router to do just that job.

I use Pi-Hole on my Raspberry Pi to do DHCP and DNS been working great and it was super easy to install.


Switch to all Ubiquiti networking gear :smile:


I run Cisco gear since it's what I use at work and I'm use to it and it just works. Well Cisco and fortigate.