Hey, great!
I guess most of the same stuff is available in Sweden and Norway.
The quest have started. 
The plan is to start out small, with something like this:
- Thermostat(Manual+HE controled) for the floor heat in bathroom w/temp/humidity sensor (Xiaomi one?) and a switch to control the ventilation fan when needed.
- Wall plugs for the radiators
- Thermostats in the rooms with radiators
The next step is to start with motion/door/windows to automate some lightning and radiator control when windows are open and during the night/away scenarios. The heat is what i spend money on. Hot water is included, so not much to gain there.
Though, electricity in Norway is the cheapest in the world, I guess, so spending too much on controling it, might not be too smart. It sould pay for itselves within a year or two, so the cost of each component must be farely moderate.
Have not decided on Alexa or Google Home yet. Not an easy choice I feel. Many cool integrations for Alexa for hubitat already, but no Norwegian support (not that it matters too much), but google Home does support native. But, not found too much HE posts on Google Home mini yet. Most seems to have gone for the Alexa. Hmm...
Must say it was pretty cool to save a note reminder when I put in the rib-steak and set several timers during cooking yesterday, fun stuff. The logic on Google with follow up and several commands at once, seems to get the better of me. Alexa seems to lag behind a bit here...
Also have a Samsung QLED 2019 and Sonos, so have a lot to play around with there as well. Tried the apps on the phone and can control it. Not too many functions work through ST on either of them. Input changes only work on Google, but opening netflix app, seems more of a challenge. Anyway, that was just some playing around to get the basics with both apps yesterday, so need more investigation... 
Been looking at the motion, temp and door/windows sensors from Xiaomi, and it looks interesting. Though, no order yet. Also Sonoff stuff might be a road, but again, just looking at what others have tried and learning from what is shared here. A LOT!!! :-o
So, I will keep on investigating the forums to at least try to see what is stable and works well, for a sane price.
Ikea stuff also looks cool, and we both have that fairly close to home. 
Any shared experience for my long road ahead is really appreciated!!!
Kind regards
Oslo, Norway