Devices not working after migration

I migrated my c7 to the c8 (I turned off the c7 and unplugged it from the socket and my network) I made the migration to the C8 without any problems. All devices appeared on the C8 but I realized that only the curtains (which are zwave) were working. All my zigbee devices not working. I tried to reboot the c8, the zigbee antenna, I redid the mesh, I tried everything and I'm still offline with the zigbee network! I don't know what it could be

Would you please include as much of the following as you can:


It's quite possible during the restore you dind't check the zigbee radio box (you have to check both z-wave and zigbee). You could rerun the migration.


I changed the channel and restarted the Zigbee radio and now it works again! thanks


Nice. Always good to leave your wifi at 6 or below and zigbee 25 and above.