Devices Don't Work, Or Very Slow Nearly Every Morning

I am having trouble with my devices responding when I get up most mornings for the last month or so. I normally get up and tap the Zooz switch in my office twice to turn on the Hue bulb in here, and then I hold the switch to turn on the GE outlet outside so I can let the dog out. Lately these do not work. When I try to open Hubitat, either dashboard or app, it opens and moves very slowly. If I power cycle the hub then everything goes back to normal. I can use my Hue bulbs through their app no problem, but through Hubitat they are not responsive. My Zwave switches don't work physically, and some things work through the Hubitat app but it is super slow.

I have read about people having trouble and having to power cycle the hub regularly, but I assumed that was for people with tons of devices and automations. I have 21 devices total.

Do I have a bad hub or something?

I also have an Asus router, could that have anything to do with it?

This only happens in the morning when I get up, never any other time of day.

I made a few edits to this post for any wondering. At first I thought it was maybe just a zwave problem until I tested a little more while making the post.

Usually custom code causes the issue you describe. A bad custom driver or app.


This doesn’t sound related to the hub. Sounds more like issues with the devices


Depends on how he is using the switch. Double tap to turn on bulb sounds like a programmatic function of the device using the hue integration as well as the hold command for the GE outlet.

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Depending on how you are doing this, you could be corrupting your hub’s database, and that could be causing your issues. You shouldn’t ever just power cycle the hub. Instead, use the settings menu to restart it. If you have a database backup from before these slowdowns started, you might try restoring the database from one of those older backups. Careful, though, because an older backup might not be for the same set of current drivers, so you might have to do some cleanup, etc.



I am using Rule machine to assign the button presses on the switches and any other stuff. I only have that app, the dashboard, the hue app and the alexa app. No custom codes or drivers.

I only power cycle the hub from the settings menu. Maybe I should have said restart, sorry wrong terminology.

I mean like if I push the switch it does not do what the Rule Machine app says it will. Not that the load of the switch itself doesn't work.

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Could you post a screenshot of your RM4 rule?

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I can when I get back home. Are you talking about the one that I use to control the functions of the Zooz switch? It is just the normal button 1 pressed is this one, button 2 pressed is this off etc though. Nothing fancy.

To be clear, none of the things work well in the mornings. I was just referencing the normal routine I do when I first get up and discover the issue. If I try to open my dashboard or the Hubitat app they move very slowly and take a while to load. like a solid minute or more. Then when it does load it is slow to navigate to different things like apps and devices.

Well you could disable a couple rules at a time and see if it resolves the issue until you find which rule is causing the problem. Or post your rules and see if we can find anything causing problems. What do your logs look like?

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I will post the rules when I get home for sure. I can't access it from work. I do not know how to read logs or what to look at. I apologize I'm mostly a noob.

Specifically any lines that indicate errors in the log, debug lines can also be helpful sometimes. Clicking on the red boxed word Error in the log will take you to the rule that is causing the error.


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Are those always running, or do I need to do something in settings to activate it?

Logs always run. I believe that errors always show without any additional settings. If you want more details (on/off or similar) for certain devices, then you have to turn on additional logging options.

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Is this super-early morning, by chance? (Or, if not, is your hub's location and time zone set correctly?) The hub does daily maintenance around 2 AM (I'm not sure if that is different in different regions/time zones or if it's relative to the local hub time, but I assume the latter). For most people, this doesn't last long, maybe 30 minutes or so, but while it's happening you might notice some slowness. Afterwards, things should be back to normal. Just trying to think of why this might only happen at specific times...

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They can be activated/deactivated on a per rule basis. It's a drop down with check boxes at the bottom of the rule.


Under settings click on "Location and Modes"

Then see if your timezone is correct.


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